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Remove arrows above enemy NPCs?


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Would that be possible? With all the options in the menus, removing item highlights, headbob, I find this particular feature sadly, sorely, lamentedly not there.


it's such a beautiful game, the details are so crisp with the .ini tweak mod that's at the top of TOW's page currently, it smacks roundly, veritably circuitously, of a console feature addition that the PC version would be better without.


I used to be a spacer like you, before console versions put me in an inverted dunce cap.

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I really wish Obsidian would make their games as moddable as Bethesda's. New Vegas mods were amazing. Unreal Engine precluding Avowed from having full mod support is a real downer. No amount of mods could make starfield a good game, 'awesome games that can be modded' is basically a genre vacuum now. Hoovering up all the lesser games with memory pangs of what professional and community programmers collaborating could, previously, create.

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Oh, boy. So I reached 'Murder Mystery', an entire world zone that basically stops the gameplay arc dead in it's tracks, right at the point where it was starting to get interesting and I'd conceded to bringing two allies along with me to deal with the enemy numbers the game was putting up.


Nah, j/k. Here's some clouds of indestructible killer mechanical bees and a special gun that only turn at 1 degree per second, while you run back and forth getting 'clues'? Suddenly the game decides it's an incontinent 90 year old on laxatives'? The only fun thing to do was taze the bellhop until minion #1 and #2 started firing at me and the guy screaming at me for killing his stooges, which wasn't really supposed to happen.


I remember Obsidian mentioning how they had to simplify the FPS mechanics to make a more RPG-focused game. What a colossal **** up.

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