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Lets create planetary flight and vehicles


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Lets explore all features and possibilities, collect resources, tutorials and whatever else it might be usefull to realize that dream of planetary flight/landing and vehicles usage.
News, possibilities, feasability , doability etc?


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The game just came out. With respect to all beth games, any serious tools will appear no earlier than in a year. For fo4, the bgs exporter was only added in an update from 2017, 2 years after the release. Does ck have a tools folder, and if so, what's in it? With what do you want to work with 3d and animations?
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The game just came out. With respect to all beth games, any serious tools will appear no earlier than in a year. For fo4, the bgs exporter was only added in an update from 2017, 2 years after the release. Does ck have a tools folder, and if so, what's in it? With what do you want to work with 3d and animations?

Todd Howard said that Starfield will be a modder's paradise, so I would expect them for first time to release also importers and exporters and other tools ... but after all Todd said many things.

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The game just came out. With respect to all beth games, any serious tools will appear no earlier than in a year. For fo4, the bgs exporter was only added in an update from 2017, 2 years after the release. Does ck have a tools folder, and if so, what's in it? With what do you want to work with 3d and animations?

Todd Howard said that Starfield will be a modder's paradise, so I would expect them for first time to release also importers and exporters and other tools ... but after all Todd said many things.
I don't want to install Starfield until I know anything about the tools. I don't like playing beth games. For me, ce is just one of the convenient renderers of models and scenes, the same as ue. If you want, you can unpack the resources and send me nif (static art with collision and anim), textures and hkx (link to the archive). I will look at them for format and compatibility with available tools.
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