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Exterior Chest help. Also, persistant dirt lump in midair.


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I know it's possible to have exterior chests that are safe for players to keep stuff in, but when I put chests outside, they don't activate or show any labels when clicked or hovered-over.

I still haven't found any way to get rid of this floating dirt ball in game - which was caused by activating an unfinished soil mound. It's just floating there with no corresponding object in the creation kit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Issues have been resolved.
The chests were within the invisible boundaries of a 3-dimensional object, even though that object had a niche in it, objects in the niche were interpreted by the game as being within the bounds of the object.
The dirt ball was an artifact created by the game, rather than the mod. I used a console delete command to get rid of it.

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