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Loot Area Mod!


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Hey guys! Have you ever picked through an entire pile of corpses, dragging them apart one by one to find the ones you haven't looted underneath? There are always some stubborn bodies that won't move, or refuse to be 'picked over'.


Why not make a "loot area" mod, that includes an option to loot all corpses in a given area (say 10 feet or so) that will bring up a loot screen with the entire contents off all lootable bodies in the area.


I use MMM's increased increased spawns, and I need all the ammo/etc I can find, so looting corpses is important. But it is getting so tiresome to pick through everything. :wallbash:


I can't seem to find a mod that does this... anyone? Can someone do it? :thanks:

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I suppose you might code it to auto-grab everything, but it would definitely require FOSE.


So maybe something like this:


set target to player.GetFirstRef 200 1 0

Label 10
if target
	if target != player && target.GetDead == 1
		set wep to target.GetEquippedObject 5
		set arm to target.GetEquippedObject 2
		if wep || arm
			target.RemoveAllItems player
	set target to target.GetNextRef
	Goto 10


I just don't feel like *doing* a mod like this. Maybe someone else will implement it.

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I've been testing out this idea, and it's a little trickier than I thought. The above FOSE code won't work on creatures that respawn or that have some master enabler for some weird reason. There's also the problem that the detection doesn't pick up unarmed creatures like ants or radscorpions, but I'll work that out eventually.


In case it ever starts working, here's some slight changes to the code:


set target to player.GetFirstRef 200 1 0

Label 10
if target
	if target.GetDead == 1 && target.GetDisabled == 0
		set wep to target.GetEquippedObject 5
		set arm to target.GetEquippedObject 2
		if wep || arm
			target.RemoveAllItems player 0 1
			player.removeitem EmbeddedWeapons 99 1
			player.removeitem MS04FireAntWeapons 99 1
	set target to target.GetNextRef
	Goto 10

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I'm building a list of ammo that you need to exclude as well, but I have a feeling I'm going to need plugins for DLCs for that routine to really work properly. :sweat:


Plugins should be simple enough once GotY edition comes out. In the meantime, I'll see if I can do a scripted area effect.

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Well, there's another option. Using AI packages, you can eventually find most things. On the other hand, I seem to recall serious bugs in the Find package that were never really addressed, and Find itself is somewhat limiting. Not to mention the amount of time it would take Dogmeat to Find everything in the area would be substantial to say the least.
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