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Loot Area Mod!


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Well here's another possibility, how about auto-looting upon target's death? As soon as the NPC falls - it opens a loot window. Not nearly as good as looting one container with all bodies loot on it, but at least you could keep track of what has been looted... ?



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Yeah, I had thought about that. Combat targets are easy to track, and you'd obviously put that dialogue on a nice long timer so you could accumulate a lot of loot between getting nagged about it. Works great for in those areas where it's like a vanilla FPS, but if you happen across some Mercs fighting it out with Super Mutants, then you'll still need to do some manual looting (because some of them will be dead before you get there).


Even better, if you have FOSE you can use GetCrosshairRef to track whatever you're pointing at, so it doesn't even necessarily need to be a combat target. I just need to do some testing on that (someday :P).

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