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Sentient Falmer with Factions and quests


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Hello everyone! This is my first post over to Nexus :)


Through writing Fanfiction, I've come to absolutely love the Falmer race--and I don't just mean proper snow-elves, I mean the vicious, blind Falmer that live in the abandoned Dwemer cities.


What I would love to see in the game would be a hidden faction of Falmer, still blind, still physically twisted, but have retained all of their sentience; they have set up quite the nice settlement in one of the larger ruins and are attempting to help their more feral brethren by teaching them the language, giving them alternate food sources to skeevers (such as vegetables grown underground), improved armor from Charus, etc etc.


In helping the 'Ascended Falmer' (as I mentally dubbed them while writing), you can join the Falmer faction so regular Falmer living in dungeons won't attack you (and you can in fact trade with them, they would sell gems, ores, ingredients and charus armor); this mod would also include different factions within the Falmer, such as Falmer Raiders, who climb onto the surface and raid towns and cities, Falmer Vampires, Rabid Falmer, who are much stronger, very vicious, and can inflict diseases, as well as friendly Falmer followers (both the vanilla and Ascended varieties), adoptable Falmer children (I want to adopt one, Gorram it!) and marry-able spouses.


Yes. you can tell I love the feral snow elves, can't you?

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