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Skyrim SE not responding - Does anyone have tips to troubleshoot?


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I have a seriously branched version of Project Skyrim's modlist. I had been playing fine up until a new play through added some mods and updated others. I get an unending "not responding" in 3rd person but seem to be able to play fine in first. I have disabled animation and camera mods that were added or updated since my last successful 3rd person play-throughs with no change, 1st person works and 3rd person hits not responding after a few seconds to a minute.


Hoping that anyone has a good method of troubleshooting this. I have been looking at all the logs in my skse folder but none seem to offer clues that I can find. Guessing it is a memory issue but want to try and zero in on which mod or mods are causing it without completely breaking my LO and disabling everything updated and or installed over the last month.


Any tips are greatly appreciated!

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Unless you mistakenly updated mods to a skyrim/skse version beyond the one you're using (for instance, installing an 1.6x dependent mod to a 1.5.97 install), I'd think the updated mods would (IMO) be less likely candidates than the new mod additions, unless the errant behavior is obviously associated with a mod you've updated (ex: you install some new weather mod's - edit: latest version - and things go wonky with your weather)


Punt position (for me) is to uninstall mods one by one, in reverse order of installation, checking game operation in between uninstallations, making new saves once you've successfully loaded (to flag uninstalled content so you can perform cleanup in fallrim resaver prior to dealing with the next candidate)


Once you've eliminated the errant behavior, don't install that mod again. ("that" mod being the uninstalled one that finally resolves the issue)


You can install the other mods that weren't the problem, of course checking your game inbetween installations to make sure none of the others are causing problems.


Having said all that. since this is an issue with 1st vs 3rd person, I'd gander it has to do with a camera mod of one sort or another....just at a wild guess. (or perhaps you even accidentally installed some VR mod by mistake into the non VR game)


PS> in the future, I'd recommend not installing groups of mods without the "due diligence" of vetting them prior to installing another, ie install only one at a time, with in-game checks afterward before moving on to the next desired installation.

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PS> in the future, I'd recommend not installing groups of mods without the "due diligence" of vetting them prior to installing another, ie install only one at a time, with in-game checks afterward before moving on to the next desired installation.


Preach, I got way too comfy and had little time to play but moments here to add and update mods. Definitely something I know not to do but, hubris, thy name is cracktfly.


I had been hoping there would be some clue in logs or event viewer combined with logging but in this instance I think you are correct in that disabling mods on the one by one to see where the break occurs is the only option. So tedious but the pain is how we learn or in this case re-learn lessons.


Thanks Anjenthedog, it wasn't the medicine I hoped for but the medicine I needed.

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Couldn't hurt to drop a crash log into a spoiler's tag, if you have one to share.... normal process for tech support posts is to do that plus load order, (and, of course, any other particulars of the issue like what you already provided)

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