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Controller wait disabled, can't figure out why


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I have this weird and annoying problem. The Back button (for wait) no longer works. In fact, it doesn't even show up in the controller menu. Nothing. I think it's supposed to be right under Journal but it has completely disappeared.

The reason I posted this problem here is that it may be related to a mod.
There is a mod that remaps the Back button to disable Wait ("No Wait Fuction" for those who like to make it extra hard) but I'm not sure if I may have tested a mod that changed some ini settings somewhere (but I didn't even download that mod).


The only mod I have that can change Wait is "powerofthree's Tweaks" and I checked it already. I've set it both to true and false, no change.

Trust me, I looked for a solution to this but it's nowhere to be found.
I do play with a PS5 controller, it's worked fine until today. I've been testing some mods for a new playthrough when BAM, I get shut down by some little stupid problem. Don't you hate when that happens?

I have turned my controller off and back on, reinstalled all the basic tools (All in one), switched to different saves, verified my files via Steam and started a new character (with Alternate Start). I am at my wit's end to figure it out.

Right now my solution is to use an alternate wait mod (Super Fast Input Wait Menu) but I have no problem with vanilla wait.

Thanks in advance.

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  On 9/11/2023 at 12:01 PM, IsharaMeradin said:

See if you have a controlmap.txt file somewhere under the Data > Interface folder. It may be possible that the back button was removed as an option to initiate the wait menu.

I do have one but it was in the main folder (Skyrim Special Edition).

I opened it and it's jibberish (in Notepad).


I'm going to delete it and see what happens.


Edit- YES!


Thank you IsharaMeradin.

Do you have any idea where it may have come from?

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So I downloaded Notepad++ since I'm aware of how it works (basically) and it's still pretty much jibberish. Just a bunch of STX NUL NUL blah blah blah.

There is no mod I have in my collection that seems to add this txt file.

I have to admit that I'm kinda ticked off that something added this file without my knowledge.
Does anyone know where it may have come from? Other than a mod?
It's pretty insidious.
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Does anyone know where it may have come from? Other than a mod?


Afaik Controlmap is a stock part of skyrim (or at least "controlmap_custom.txt" as is the case in my game), and as far as I know, its purpose is to store hotkey definitions. Sadly, it's not directly readable, at least with Windows notepad or Notepad++, so it may be one of those oddly archived or encrypted resources

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  On 9/12/2023 at 12:39 AM, anjenthedog said:



Afaik Controlmap is a stock part of skyrim (or at least "controlmap_custom.txt" as is the case in my game), and as far as I know, its purpose is to store hotkey definitions. Sadly, it's not directly readable, at least with Windows notepad or Notepad++, so it may be one of those oddly archived or encrypted resources


I have absolutely stupid internet where I live. I survive with AT&t Hot spot. Reinstalling the game (or anything that big) requires several hours. It sucks. So.... to remedy that, I make a copy of the actual game folder and call it "Skyrim Special Edition - Copy".

In effect, if anything goes terribly wrong, I simply delete the Skyrim folder and rename the copy. Ha, take that Bethesda.


The reason I'm telling you this is because I checked for this file in the copy. It's not in there.

So it had to be added by something at some point in the last week or so. This is a brand new PC and a brand new Skyrim Special Edition.

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controlmap_custom.txt in the main game folder is created by the game when you change any key binds within the game itself. This file will be gibberish and unable to be read. It may be possible that the game will always create a controlmap_custom.txt file despite no changes being made. There might be an automatic save upon exiting out to the menu.


controlmap.txt is a file found in "Data > Interface > Controls > PC" once extracted from one of the BSA files. This file is readable but not pretty. The "columns" are separated by a single space and do not appear to actually be in columns making it hard to read. There are plenty of mods that fix the column appearance. Some go further and change the key binds for various reasons.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Thanks again IsharaMeradin, for telling me what to look for. I was searching ini files.


I deleted it and everything works fine again.

I've run the game a few times, testing some mods and that file hasn't appeared again. I have checked out some controller mods. I may use one, don't know yet.

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