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GTA V style character switching.


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I love the new GTA V feature of being able to switch between multiple main characters who do their own thing elsewhere on the map. I would think that this wouldn't be too hard to do, but I don't know anything about writing a mod for fallout.

Feature Ideas:
Zoom out and pan to next character upon hitting the switch player hotkey.

If there is a way to just switch the client to that of an existing NPC in the world, you should be able to keep individual stats, inventories, followers, and (maybe) quests - since the game already makes NPCS use all of the same variables as the player.

This mod would be a huge hit, and really would have the potential to be awesome. Anyone else like the idea / think they could do this sort of mod?

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hmm interesting. I think what we'd need to do is tie three characters to the player's template so it shares the same base stats as they evolve and share the same enemies and allies (factions). I've actually barely touched the player character at all. I'll try it tonight.




After poking around with it, I'm unsure of where in the GECK there is any reference to where the "player" NPC is being told to be the playable ID. Hopefully its not hard coded, if so then it be impossible.


Am curious if it has anything to do with the script "DefaultEnableLink1xSCRIPTplayer"

Edited by Teabone3
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So I spent several days on it trying to get it to work but I simply cannot find any source that is editable for what controls the actual player. It appears the the core engine searches for the id "player" and makes that the NPC with the player controls. And of course you cannot have more than one of the same ID.


If anyone can figure out a way to change which NPC id is player controlled, let us know.

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