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Fallout Crashing


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My setup was done in pretty much 3 steps: apply 1.1 patch, which UFO3P apparently requires, then download and run the UFO3P installer version, then throw in FakePatch.


Well, ok, 4th step: load order. Fake patch first. I have mine loaded right after the main fallout 3 esm.


1.6 sounds good so far, and may make all this stuff obsolete anyway. I'm holding out on installing it though.

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Move them around in FOMM's mod list. :)

FOMM will also always load ESPs after ESMs, even if you try to arrange them otherwise. There are mods that use ESMs, so in a way you kinda have two load orders going on.

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ums yeah FOMM is a download,



You should probably get FOSE while you are at it




FOMM an FOSE work together, so FOMM will launch FOSE if it's detected



Later on you'll just run into wanting to use a mod that needs FOSE to get the full version anyway



Besides FOSE disables the Live windows for games,


Plus I think it doesn't check your CD drive each time you load the game


Which speeds it up a whole lot, as far as loading





FOMM has a lot of tools in it, for the most part we use it to establish load orders more easy

moving things turning them on an off, and grouping into tier 1 2 3 4, you can also copy these

load orders to the clipboard for diagnosis elsewhere. Also FOMM will unpack the large BSA

file archives from Bethesda giving access to vanilla content. Archive invalidation invalidated

is built into FOMM where you just toggle it on or off, (I think you only have to toggle it once)


You should probably get FO3edit too, which let's you look at mods or edit quickly

Or more quickly than GECK, besides the master update program in FO3edit

You should start learning the GECK as well.



Fallout is complex, an we pay the price

which is that things are never easy

but totally worth it

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Well there is no one thing that will make Fallout work when using mods.



For one the first few times you install it with mods you are going to totally screw it up.


You get what you put in, just like anything else, You installed fallout 10 times yeah


but you didn't take the time to learn anything or learn enough of anything to make a


difference in your end result, less you forget that you are running a computer system


with a poop ton of rules on top of the rules of modding, meaning while you were looking


at your install method and fallout causing the problem, it could very well have been


You're computer system and the software you were using is either outdated


or didn't meet the requirements of the game, I.E. Windows XP SP3, Tiny stuff like that


Drivers, defraged hard drives, ect, and even hardware.




Only after you've messed up a few times installing mods you'll start to learn how to avoid it


while building the world you wanted to play in.




If you crash even before you get into the load screen it should be a red flag that you're load order is wrong.



Either the order of the mods, or even one or two in there that will not work with other mods

at least one or two of the other mods you have.




Not updating your grapix drivers will cause crashes too.




I had a gun where the mesh was missing a tiny part that was animated

which caused a crash.


That's just one tiny thing




If ya wanted something that works great, then just follow the Ultimate Load Order Mod

Tons of work, but it has some great stuff that works well together


The Ultimate Load Order is a bit outdated, but still it will teach you how to install stuff clean

Which you can apply what you learned the next time you install with more of the stuff you like




There are a few ways to go about adding mods



You can do it the easy way, add mods one at a time while testing, and over time get a large amout of mods

One at a time because if there is a crash then you know what it was. You can even use FO3edit to

view the load order an check for errors an conflicts fixing it one at a time.



The other way is to visit every page in the browse files on nexus, download everything you want

reading an making sure it will probably work together, After you get 300 mods downloaded

start installing that poop tons worth of stuff, after many hours you end up with a load order

that is mixed up more than a teenage female, which you spend hours making the load order list

only to launch to a instant crash that it takes you 4 hours to fix .




Pretty much the only thing that will help or save you is to read tons of information on the net

then keep working for weeks even to get a load order of mods that work.


I really don't understand why people think it will be easy, or even in the same ballpark as easy.


It's freaking hard, and hard work that just keeps going an going.



You can argue that there are other games that can be modded that are very easy to mod.


But then those other games don't do what fallout 3 does


Which is why it's not easy, besides Fallout 3 being a vast game world.

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