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Point Lookout - missing water texture

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I’m havening this problem with missing water texture in Point Lookout. Anyone experienced it? Its like water was there but texture is gonne…I can swim when I walk in it, it makes sound and even if I shot I can see water distortion. I’m using patch, unofficial patch + fake patch…also all other DLC’s and some other mods. Besides of that I didn’t encounter any other problems with this DLC even if im playing it under definitely not officially recommended setup ;)


In anyone has some ideas how to fix it I would really appreciate it :)

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I’m havening this problem with missing water texture in Point Lookout. Anyone experienced it? Its like water was there but texture is gonne…I can swim when I walk in it, it makes sound and even if I shot I can see water distortion. I’m using patch, unofficial patch + fake patch…also all other DLC’s and some other mods. Besides of that I didn’t encounter any other problems with this DLC even if im playing it under definitely not officially recommended setup ;)


In anyone has some ideas how to fix it I would really appreciate it :)


I don't think there's a fix out yet. I took the plunge and upgraded to 1.6 (was just like you, 1.0.015+fakepath+UF3P) so I wouldn't have problems with Point Lookout. I've been pleasantly surprised so far, game seems much more stable. The biggest thing I'm missing is Dogmeat looking up at me when I talked to him (a UF3P feature).

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Well I could update it to 1.6 but im afraid most of mods im using right now wouldn’t like it ;) and about this water texture bug I observed that it only concerns swamps and a ocean because in Sacred Bog water texture was ok. Also in other locations like caves…weird thing was that when I walked to Coastal Grotto I found fragments of water texture on the ocean also I can see water on far distance. I hope im not alone with this problem and soon there will be fix for this…swamp without water looks a bit dry ;)
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The biggest thing I'm missing is Dogmeat looking up at me when I talked to him (a UF3P feature).


... strange - he is not looking at me at all with same setup :( i've noticed it is UF3P feature, but it's not wrking for me :( maybe some other mod later in load order changed it back, i'll have to check it in FO3edit :) thanks for remind me this, i've not visited dogmeat for a long time, so i'm not missing it :D

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Well I could update it to 1.6 but im afraid most of mods im using right now wouldn’t like it ;) and about this water texture bug I observed that it only concerns swamps and a ocean because in Sacred Bog water texture was ok. Also in other locations like caves…weird thing was that when I walked to Coastal Grotto I found fragments of water texture on the ocean also I can see water on far distance. I hope im not alone with this problem and soon there will be fix for this…swamp without water looks a bit dry ;)



I think it's generally accepted right now that 1.6 doesn't have mod problems like 1.5 did.

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The biggest thing I'm missing is Dogmeat looking up at me when I talked to him (a UF3P feature).


... strange - he is not looking at me at all with same setup :( i've noticed it is UF3P feature, but it's not wrking for me :( maybe some other mod later in load order changed it back, i'll have to check it in FO3edit :) thanks for remind me this, i've not visited dogmeat for a long time, so i'm not missing it :D


huh. Not sure what other mod would conflict with that. I also use Dogmeat Leather Armor later in my load order, but all the UF3P fixes still worked fine. I don't have Dogmeat with me right now since using patch 1.6 (in Point Lookout) but I plan to re-enable UF3P to see if it still works.

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I'm having the exact same problem, perhaps ill need to patch up from 1.5 (which works fine with all my mods and stuff btw, just need to run fo3masterupdate often) to 1.6

but yeah the no water thing is extremely annoying and takes the swampy feel away from point lookout completely, just feels more like a wet crappy non deserty desert.


another big one im having is that since installing point lookout i've been getting missing meshes alot, especially on enclave tesla armor and some rocks, interestingly no missing meshes at all in point lookout, just in DC ever since installing it.


im downloading 1.6 now ill tell you if it makes it any better

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Alright so i just got 1.6 installed and im glad to say the water now works just fine, and in fact point lookout in general looks amazing compared to with 1.5 where there were a number of issues that made it look like crap.


no conflicts with 1.6 as far as mods go so far and if there are then a quick run of fo3edit should fix it up (?)


best of luck

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another thing worth pointing out even if its off topic, im finding with patch 1.6 im getting 4 times LESS CTD's, like 1 every 4-6 hours instead of 1 every 1 to 1.5 hours.

could it be that bethesda actually released a good patch? =/

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