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Less usable equipment on dead NPCs


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I was always a little grossed out by the thought that my character would drive his sword through a bandit´s belly, then happily proceed to strip the body from it´s armour and put it on himself. What, with all this gore on it, not to mention the probably wrong size and the FRIGGIN GIANT HOLE left behind by my sword?

How about a mod that simulates the damage a battle does to opponent npc´s gear?

It would also help balance the looting system, because merchants wouldn´t pay too much for a bloodstained breastplate cut into pieces.


I´d suggest that when "opening" a dead body, at firtst all it´s equipment should be marked unusable by player (like the Draugr´s armor; I don´t know the actual term). Then, a Misc item for each equipped part could be placed on the corpse, e.g. "Damaged Steel Plate Armour". By classifying them as Misc, the player can´t use them right away. To turn them back to usable, you´d have to go to a smithy (or some fitting crafting station) to restore it to it´s former condition and also to adjust it to your body size. After you took something off the body, the "unusable by player" item can be removed from game to display the changes on the corpse.

Of course it´d take a lot more to make it realistic, e.g. introducing a chance that items are not damaged, or a script that doesn´t damage armour at all when killing the npc by slitting its throat, allowing smiths to repair stuff for you and completely keeps enchanted items in their normal form, but that would surely go over the top.



in short form:

player opens body

game script lists all of the corpse´s equipped items, then marks them unusable

script places Misc items for each piece of equipment into the corpse

player takes some misc items and closes the container

script compares list of equipped items to now remaining misc items, and removes the responding unusable items

player takes misc items to a forge and crafts them back to normal condition

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Basically you'd have to give all npc's a non-playable version of the armour that they wear, and have a separate version that is playable, that is the one you would get from smithing or vendors. Then create "damaged" versions of items (create a misc item that has the model of whatever armor it is) and add them to bandit/enemy levelled lists. You'd pay to repair it -- it'd be removed from your inventory and replaced with a playable version of the armour.

It's all possible, just quite time consuming to make.

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