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Hogwarts Legacy

This entire site is a joke.


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Half the mods do not work where you follow the instructions they give, if you use the vortex manager or even if you follow some stupid YouTube rabbit hole. Even my previous post to this forum for one of them which is clearly and politely worded. And been viewed dozens of times and nobody even bothers to reply. Yell can enjoy the false promises and bs that doesn't work. I only got like maybe 8 mods for hogwarts to work. I could only get two to work for God of War. And I spend hours and hours trying every possible way I could find on the internet. I'm over it. f*#@ modding games I was having more fun that this just playing them as they were. An f*#@ all you assholes who saw my post and decide to be all pompous and not even say anything. Even the forum sucks. I'm out.
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