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Vampire Lord Transformation and Animation


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Hi guys,

I'm looking for a mod that with keep my character exactly as she is for the Vampire Lord transformation with the exception of the wings. I play a custom race (Lunari) and there are enough bugs with Dawnguard without adding to them while in Vamplord form.

I already have to change to Vamplord outside of the castle otherwise the vampires inside do not recognise me as a vampire and if I transform inside they attack me >.< I find the Vamplord animations to be quite poor and ungainly, especailly when on the ground. I would love to be able to access my spells and menus while in this form too. So basically, if my char could just grow the wings and be able to float while keeping all my usual animations and characteristics that would be great.

Let me know what you think <3

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Yes I have that mod and its good but its not what I'm looking for, I'm looking for no character changes apart from the wings and a change of the vampire movement and casting animations to those of a non-vampire lord plus enabled menus and spells. The better vampire lord transformation mod keeps you looking more or less like your usual self (apart from the giant hands) but you still move and cast like an imbecile.

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