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GetSecondsPassed Does not Appear to Work.

David Brasher

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In my mod there is a segment where you have a companion. This companion is sort of talkative and is supposed to generate a random comment every four minutes of real time. This part of the script is for Sundas only. GameHour and GetCurrentTime do not appear to function in Begin GameMode script blocks. So I am experimenting with GetSecondsPassed and am not impressed. I thought a second was 1/60th of a minute by the clock in the real world. These seconds are so small I have not calculated their size yet. We are talking smaller than a millisecond. Maybe smaller than a nanosecond.


My companion won't shut up. She says one comment immediately after another eternally. The only escape is to exit the game. Here is the problem script:



SCN ChatterboxSCRIPT ; object script attached to NPC


float timer


Begin GameMode

If ( Getstage MyQuest == 50 && GetDayofWeek == 0 && timer > 0 )

Set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed


StartConversation player GREETING

Set timer to 200000000





Does anyone know how to fix this script or make a totally different one that works?

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You are right on both points alex2avs. I originally typed my question in wrong. The script did use float, but I typed in short here. This script does apply to one particular day of the week. I have edited my question to fix these points.
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close :).. Sundas..


getsecondspassed seconds are like real-life seconds...so equal to minutes in oblivion..


I'm generally against that whole script..that one will run like forever and the performance hit would be...great....

Using && is fine.. but it will run the check even if one of those conditions isn't true...

Next to that it will not work because the timer will be reset every second..

because it isn't 0 .....So that may explains some :)


I would have done a spell that runs for 4 minutes and at the end he'll start the conversation and cast the spell again :)

That could evade a lot of trouble :)...

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A four minute spell. That sounds like a cool idea. Now how do I put it into practice? I have created my 4 minute spell. It is Resist Normal Weapons 1%. I have named it "timerspell" and placed it in my chattering NPC's spell list. Once when I was trying to do something else with conditions, I researched some of the magic functions. It seemed like most of them did not work very much of the time. They probably have very specific uses which are not well-documented.


Now I need a condition function which will detect whether or not the NPC has the spell effect on her. Am I supposed to use HasMagicEffect? IsSpellTarget? Some other function I have never heard of?


This Script makes the NPC talk continuously instead of once every four minutes:


If HasMagicEffect RSNW == 0

StartConversationPlayer GREETING

Cast TimerSpell ChatterboxNPCREF


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Spell scripts don't have that much limits...The thing is, is that they only allow three begin blocks.

Begin ScriptEffectStart. Begins at the hit of the spell and runs once.

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate could be used to do something between the start and the beginning. the time is decided by the time the spell is effecting. ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds replaces the GetSecondsPassed.

Begin ScriptEffectFinish, starts at the end of the counter, or immediately after the ones above if the effect is single (no timer) and only runs once again.


Although the spell does work how it should work, I don't know if the whole picture will.


I had this for the spell. The effect is listed under 'Script Effect' and the range should be set on self...


scn Myspellscript

ref self

Begin ScriptEffectStart
set self to GetSelf
self.startconversation player
Begin ScriptEffectFinish
if spellquest.day == 0
if spellquest.day == 1
	self.cast MySpell self

The spell "myspell" had a duration of 240 (seconds)


and this for the quest called "spellquest"'

The whole 'go' thing is there because 'myspell' only needs to be cast once and then it will run the whole day.

Probably one time more on morndas as well...but after that it will stop until sundas.


scn Spellquestscript

short go
short day

Begin GameMode

if GetDayofWeek == 0
set day to 1
if go == 0
	if getstage spellquest == 20
		spellbuddyref.cast myspell spellbuddyref
		set go to 1
set day to 0
if go == 1
	set go to 0



hey, 500th post :D

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SCN ChatterboxSCRIPT ; object script attached to NPC
float timer
Begin GameMode
 If ( Getstage MyQuest == 50 && GetDayofWeek == 0)
   If timer > 0
     Set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed
     StartConversation player GREETING
     Set timer to 4


I think this code might work a little better bacause your code would have started the conversation whenever

it was't sunday or myquest wasn't == 50 completely bypassing timer updates

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Yes, but you do put up a timer that will be checked every frame...

The combo I made gives less stress on the system :)


It doesn't really matter if this is the only mod you're running, but who has 1 mod running these day ;D.

In the long end, it definitely counts.

Generally agreed using && is unadvised, especially when running in a Gamemode forever.

blocks around && means that although the one before is wrong the one behind will still be checked.

I can recall an article about it, I don't know where it was (somewhere on the official forums or something...)

If you place them beneath each other, that problem is solved.


The combo I made had indeed one flaw, it has the chance it will run one more time.

But 1 more time, not more. I have an every 5 second check if the day is sunday or not, in the quest script.

Now it took a closer look, I must explain how your script isn't really working.


The timer is set to 4. Meaning every 4 seconds a conversation is triggered instead of 4 minutes (real-minutes)

Initially nothing is wrong with it.. but I can have far more scripts for yours and still reach the same fps :)

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It is not about weather your script is better or not. It is about a script that wasn't working and will never work

written the way it was posted. further more if the player is not around the npc containing that script. it will hardly

ever get run anyway. a spellquest written the way it is will run every 5 sec. the set timer was lowered to show

David that it could work. If set at 200000000 he would probably think it was broken because the timer is

set too high. The correct number should be about 240 for game time

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