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Can someone PLEASE explain to me how to properly edit a head mesh?


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I've been trying for atleast 6 hours now, but to no avail. I'll guide you through my process so you can understand what I'm trying to do.


I used the LSLib Toolkit to extract the contents of "Models.pak", I pulled a head mesh from "Generated\Public\Shared\Assets\Characters\_Anims\Tieflings\_Female\Resources", and used the GR2 Tools Batch tab in LSLib to convert the head mesh file "TIF_F_NKD_HEAD_B.GR2" to a .dae file so I can edit it in Blender.


I open blender, I import the head mesh file, I then use this video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxdPklA7o44&t=56s" as a guide for setting up the head (I ignored the first 1:42 seconds of the video because it's slightly outdated).


I then export the head, place it at the end of this file path, "Generated\Public\Shared\Assets\Characters\_Anims\Tieflings\_Female\Resources\TIF_F_NKD_HEAD_B.GR2", and I place the "Generated" file into the BG3 Data folder.


I launch the game and get the mod warning, I load in and then depending on which export options I chose in LSLib, my characters head is either invisible, or visible but with the skin texture overlayed improperly.

If I choose no export options, the head is invisible, if I only disable the non-GR2 export options, the head is visible but the texture is severly messed up.


I've found zero guides or any info regarding this process, so I coming here as my last resort hoping someone can help. I see all of the head mesh mods being released which means it's doable, I'm just very uninformed.


Thanks in advance if someone reponds and I don't see it right away.

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