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shivering isles crash


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I have been playing "The Lost Spires" mod for some time now. Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12997


I have just found the 5. spire and entered it to find Solans body. I read his diary, but when I press "Take" the game chrashes to desktop.


I installed shivering isles today to get e mod to work. But shivering isles does not start. I have waited for over 24 houres but I still do not get the message about the door that apears. I have not uppdated it because of an error i get where it says: Old file not found, however a file of the same name was found."


I bring shivering isles up because I presume it might be the cause of the chrash?





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did you install the latest SI patch? also what other mods are you using and your load order please



I got past the crashing by clicking exit insted of take so the problem is over now. But shivering isles still does not seem tov start.


Can not uppdate SI. Got the Oblivion 1.2 patch mod i can not uppdate shivering isles to version 1.2 because of the error.


Here is the load order:





No psychic guards v1.2.esp








SamVimes's Feint Death.esp


DHs Faster Skills X10.esp



Argonians Revamped.esp


Lycan Bodysuits.esp

My Castle.esp


Lycanthropy V. 2.esp

Minotaur Nose fix.esp





Lost Paladins of the Divines.esp

Lem - Bounty Reduction Over Gametime.esp

Dude Wheres My Horse.esp

Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp

SPARTAN VI - Diverse City Guards v1.esp


Castle Ravenpride.esp


Ancient Dwarven Armour.esp

Minotaur Companion.esp

Armory of the Silver Dragon.esp

The Dead Knights.esp


Dk second knight update.esp


Dk offhand weapons.esp




Fantasy Mod.esp



UFF & RM Black Templar Armor.esp




Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp


Fast Travel Complete.esp

Anubis Mask.esp

Vexend Race.esp

Oblivion Weight Limit x20000.esp

Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed Block and 250% damage.esp


MHE v2.esp

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp

New Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esp

ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All The Castles - Merged.esp

SPARTAN VIs Diverse City Guards v1 2.esp

Tyrael Armor.esp

Children of Hircine.esp


The Lost Spires.esp


TRN One of the Gang.esp

MrPwner's Ambient Churches.esp


Dread Knight Armor.esp

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the "old file not found" glitch is caused by already having patched vanilla oblivion, but not SI. This is a bad thing.


My suggestions? well, you can uninstall oblivion then reinstall it to get the shivering isles patch rather than the regular patch (this is likely causing your problem) or you can attempt to walk/swim to the gate yourself. as far as it goes, if the shivering isle quest that tells you about "rumors" hasn't started yet, you can make it do a force start by going to the gate before it's ready to give it to you. however, if you're crashing as soon as you get through the gateway, then your only option is the first one. I suggest making a backup of your mods

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General Load-Order Guidelines

Here are the guidelines that I adhere to, personally.


~ Unofficial Oblivon Patch should always be first on the list. The fixes are great, but most aren't essential, so if a mod overwrites them its not a big deal, and the fixes have the potential for screwing up other mods if loaded later.


~ Offical Content (DLC's) should be loaded last, until you complete all quests associated with them (that includes buying all furniture for the houses and whatnot). Once they're complete, they can be safely moved up in the list. This is especially important for Knights of the Nine, which will have some fairly major problems unless loaded last (unless you get the UOP for KotN)


~ Major overhaul mods (OOO, Frans, MMM) should be loaded near the end. That gives you the most complete experience with any of those particular mods. It also lets you carefully choose which other mods to load afterwards... only move mods that you know will conflict and that you want the changes from. For example, I have Improved Soul Gems below OOO because I know that OOO changes the icons of some of the SG's, and ISG needs to be below to show through.


Some people will recommend putting larger mods first, but personally I disagree. There are a number of mods out there that make minor tweaks, and loading after a large mod will end up completely overwriting a chunk from one of the bigger mods because of the way conflicts work in Oblivion (even one minor change will take precedence over the entire record... for example, simply tweaking the speed of a weapon can cause every stat of that weapon to be retained to vanilla levels if loaded later).


So basically, it stacks up like this...



Unofficial Oblivion Patch

<Minor Mods / DLC's (Post-Completion)>

<Major Overhaul Mod/Mods>

<Mods that specifically conflict with overhauls and need to take precedence>

<DLC's (Pre-Completion)>




Expanded Load-Order Guidelines

by dev_akm


I would extend this to include:



Unofficial Oblivion Patch

<Weather/Environment/Sound Mods>

<Minor Mods/New Items/Houses/DLC's (Post-Completion)>

<Major Overhaul Mods>

<Mods that specifically conflict with overhauls and need to take precedence>

<DLC's (Pre-Completion)>


<Compatibility Patches/UOMP/Merged Leveled Lists>


And a special-case warning for Knights.esp (Knights of the Nine) -- you may not be able to move it earlier than some other mods (some people have had problems after moving it before OOO, for example).


That's basically the structure I use and I have 140+ mods working well together.


Another way of describing this (posted by DMan77):



unoffical patch

Deeper realism mods that add sights and sounds

added content like weapons/items

gameplay changes, like 'must eat and sleep'

The OOO type

the 'new begining' type mod..



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OK. I will reinstall shivering isles and Oblivion and petch with the new patch.


But I have hade a problem fo a long time now that i would like to get rid of. I every city exept Imperial City. The guards are nude and some of them can not be dameged until I trow a spell at them. It does not effect the guards who stand guard at the gates.


I had a sexlivion mod that I deleted. I think it was with that one I got a spell that removed peoples clothes. (I am not shore though.)


Will reinstalling and changing the load order fix this?





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if you uninstall make sure you delte all the files oblivion leaves behind brfotr you re-install. Then after reinstalling and altering your load order you should be ok.


OK. Thanks.


But can you set up the load order here (use thge text i posted and put it here in the order you think would be right) from the mods so I do not make any mistakes?


When I try to activate these files with obmm:


Predator 1st Person Animations 1.0

Predator Vision 1.0

PredatorCrisshai 1.0



It says that it conflicts with another mod. I uninstalled omod and obmm and deleted the Oblivion file before installing. It worked before I uninstalled. I also tried to install the predator mod again, but it did not help.


Do you know what I can do?

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