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[Mod Request] Base: Storage/crafting mod


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I was hoping for mod devs to look into this one.


Storage and Sorting: The outpost system is very bad. What im looking for is a storage system, where you can set what resource only the storage should take. When you have a link system, it throws what ever into the the containers. I want single resources sorted in my base. This container has Iron, and only iron, so the link system put only that resource in that container when arriving. If we had this easy tag, it should sort it self when arriving, either you put it with a container cross link output.


Fabricator that can pull from the base and ship, like the workstations. Now, you need to swap manualy from each time you should make something in the output link. Just stupid.


If someone manage to fix this in a mod, 99% of the base and crafting will be fixed. Maby have a better link system. What you want here is, is when ever you plot down a resource farm on planet, to be sent yo your main base right? Then you have a container for that resource only. and not 30 containers with 10 different resources in. Im just tierd of trying to find the resources i need, and how much i have. In other, there is also some resources that is more easy to get in volum. Those usaly flood the containers again, so there is no space for the rest. See my problem?


This should also help the automation process to now if made, due fabricator cant pull from all resources. By sorting containers, it will not flood containers of the most easy resource.


Im not sure how to fix the link system. You need HE-3 to power em between the link platforms. Then you can have X amount of links. Its a spagetti problem, to get the stuff you want in you base. It should be a hub, to send ALL resources in the galaxy. So you can just craft, and not travel around fill a bit here, go to next planet do get that, then you craft it, you need to go out again, due you miss something for another module. The fabricator needs rewiring. This system needs to get more easy. All to base, craft all. Thats it.


This might be a challange! But are you the mod dev for it? It`s not any mod`s out there, who can do this yet. I can also detect what people are looking for atm. You can see that base storage, link system and sorting is highly viewed topic in the forums, due people are getting into the endgame now, and might be the most popular mod if made.



Edited by vexy83
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It sounds like you're aiming for a refined and more streamlined storage and crafting system, similar to what players might seek in Minecraft for PC. The idea of having a selective storage mechanism, where resources are automatically sorted upon arrival, is quite intriguing. A mod that enables containers to exclusively accept designated resources could significantly enhance the base organization.

Moreover, your point about a fabricator that can seamlessly retrieve resources from the base and process them directly without the need for manual intervention resonates well. It would be a game-changer to have a system that mimics the efficiency of workstations and their ability to pull resources automatically.

In Minecraft, the concept of linking resource farms to a central base, each with its designated container for a particular resource, could greatly improve the gameplay. This would minimize the hassle of searching through multiple containers and dealing with overcrowding due to high-volume resources, thereby making resource management more efficient and less time-consuming.

Ultimately, a more user-friendly and intuitive link system that facilitates easy resource transportation between different locations and smart sorting mechanisms could significantly enhance the gaming experience in Minecraft, making resource management smoother and more enjoyable for players.

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It sounds like you're aiming for a refined and more streamlined storage and crafting system, similar to what players might seek in Minecraft for PC. The idea of having a selective storage mechanism, where resources are automatically sorted upon arrival, is quite intriguing. A mod that enables containers to exclusively accept designated resources could significantly enhance the base organization.
Moreover, your point about a fabricator that can seamlessly retrieve resources from the base and process them directly without the need for manual intervention resonates well. It would be a game-changer to have a system that mimics the efficiency of workstations and their ability to pull resources automatically.
In Minecraft, the concept of linking resource farms to a central base, each with its designated container for a particular resource, could greatly improve the gameplay. This would minimize the hassle of searching through multiple containers and dealing with overcrowding due to high-volume resources, thereby making resource management more efficient and less time-consuming.
Ultimately, a more user-friendly and intuitive link system that facilitates easy resource transportation between different locations and smart sorting mechanisms could significantly enhance the gaming experience in Minecraft, making resource management smoother and more enjoyable for players.


Problem being, there are a LOT of options for resources.... having individual containers for them is gonna take up a lotta space.....


Now, if we could also make the build area MUCH larger..... that would be nice. :D

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