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Nocking arrows


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Not entirely sure how difficult this might be, but how about a mod allowing the Dragonborn to nock an arrow ahead of time, and keep it ready? The benefit to nocking an arrow beforehand could be that your string-draw time could be halved (Or simply reduced to some amount), but could still walk at full speed. Of course, when you go to shoot you'd still be slowed down, but you could launch an arrow very quickly at the beginning of combat, seeing as how you've basically done half the work already. And of course, subsequent shots would be as per the norm.

God knows I've been wandering around and gotten bumrushed by wolves, and I always found it silly that after hearing them howl that I couldn't at least prepare a little bit. I mean sure, you can draw an arrow completely, but walking around for 10-15 seconds with a normal bow fully drawn back seems unrealistic to me. Having used bows enough in my life I know enough that holding a bowstring back like that is incredibly taxing.

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