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The battle of the titans


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The darkness beckons, the shadows stir.

Corruption spreads like dust upon the wind.

Morales and beliefs shorn like fur.

Evil derived of a sickness unable to mend.


Shadows and evil born unto the night.

Roaming this world, escaped from the abyss.

Darkness descends, clouding my sight,

Yet people continue on, as if nothing’s amiss.


Why can’t they see? These denizens of day.

The imperfection surrounding us, encasing,

Reveling in ignorance, the parts they play.

Subsequence, Humankind they’re defacing.


Yet beyond a churning sea of troubles wait,

A being of unequivocal valor and wit.

Her guise so pure, her name? Fate.

For these men are but kindle to be lit.


The clouds break, as the sun shines once again.

The shadows and unspeakable evils shrink back.

An unholy union formed, consummated in sin.

Another being arises, fates’ purity it seems to lack.


This putrid being walks, defiling our sweet Earth.

The horrors it rains down upon us mere mortals.

Robbing us of all we love, our lives and mirth.

The great battle shall begin, who’s the stronger immortal?


We know not the time nor hour of our demise,

Only the field in which we shall decide.

Until the human heart begins to realize,

Which side of the battle does his soul reside.



Only time shall show us who is the triumphant one.

We are the proxies in which the good and evil extend.

Who shall win this battle of the titans? The glorious sun?

Or shall the evil-hearted let loose the shadows once again?

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