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Outpost: get all (or almost) ressources from the same planet in one location


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I would like to build enough outpost to gather "all" te ressources needed for craft/research/building. (NOT ALL THE ressources IN THE GAME, just thoses for T1 T2 and T3 build/craft)


The problem:


Unless you are veeeery lucky (or spend +2 hours finding the perfect spot), on a planet with 5 or 6 ressources, you'll need to build 2, 3 or even 4 outpost on that planet.


I don't mind investing some time in outpost building but creating a nice web of outpost is either impossible or heavily time consuming.


It could even need some upgrades or skills to allow you to do that, i don't mind, but ease a bit the location you would choose for building.

It would even allow you, for some planet, to choose a location you like (visually i mean)


Thx ;)

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Being able to view where you want to build from some height BEFORE you place the beacon would help a lot..... And once placed, the build area is fixed, but, you can move the beacon anywhere within that circle you want. :D


It would be nice, indeed.


But the problem is (for my own game enjoyement): i'm playing some kind of engineer. Weapons/suits/outpost


I would gladly spend a few hours to build a massive outpost interlink to gather almost all the ressource needed to build or craft high tier ressources but the game manage that aspect quite... not very well (for me, anyone enjoying te way it is, cool for them :D)


If some post/guides are correct, that's something like 40+ ressources (including plant and animals "farming")

Let say yo find a planet with... 6 of thoses ressources, yo might need to build 2 to 4 outpost on that planet. You build some crappy outposts that send everything to a "main" outpost etc...


I'd rather build one nice outpost, with robot, defenses, etc (one i like to visit, one i enjoy building/decorating rather than a usefull one)


And, as gtouch0817 said, the resssources scan is kind of messy. each pixel is like 2km and you can't really trust it. It's no fun for me to land and spend +1hour jectpacking around hopping to see the ressources that is supposed to be there pop on the scan.


Or a mod that make the planet ressources scan effective and trustable (and more precise, more zoom maybe?) and ensure you can have spots with all ressources. Spending 10 or 20 min to find the sweet spot is ok, but right now, it's not fun to me :D

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Being able to view where you want to build from some height BEFORE you place the beacon would help a lot..... And once placed, the build area is fixed, but, you can move the beacon anywhere within that circle you want. :D


It would be nice, indeed.


But the problem is (for my own game enjoyement): i'm playing some kind of engineer. Weapons/suits/outpost


I would gladly spend a few hours to build a massive outpost interlink to gather almost all the ressource needed to build or craft high tier ressources but the game manage that aspect quite... not very well (for me, anyone enjoying te way it is, cool for them :D)


If some post/guides are correct, that's something like 40+ ressources (including plant and animals "farming")

Let say yo find a planet with... 6 of thoses ressources, yo might need to build 2 to 4 outpost on that planet. You build some crappy outposts that send everything to a "main" outpost etc...


I'd rather build one nice outpost, with robot, defenses, etc (one i like to visit, one i enjoy building/decorating rather than a usefull one)


And, as gtouch0817 said, the resssources scan is kind of messy. each pixel is like 2km and you can't really trust it. It's no fun for me to land and spend +1hour jectpacking around hopping to see the ressources that is supposed to be there pop on the scan.


Or a mod that make the planet ressources scan effective and trustable (and more precise, more zoom maybe?) and ensure you can have spots with all ressources. Spending 10 or 20 min to find the sweet spot is ok, but right now, it's not fun to me :D


Agreed. For some resources, they simply don't show up at all on the planetary scan..... (this mostly applies to the rarer resources....) So, finding them on the surface is pure luck. There are mods out that expand the number of 'saved' landing sites, and also the number of outpost links you can have per outpost.... Which I suppose would make things easier..... This playthru, I have been buying a lot of resources that I need, as that is about the only way I can find them.....


Being able to zoom in tighter on the planet, and higher resolution scans would certainly help, but, that assumes that what you see from orbit, is what you will actually find on the surface....

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The main problem isnt even in scanning mismatch, its in purpose of doing so. What are we collecting for? In Fo4 there was a reason and quite a good one, here, in Starfield-nothing for. This game now is a wonderful platform for a game, but not a GAME yet. Needs more content, idea behind collecting resources and building outposts.

And yes, it is mismatch exactly. When you see 4 minerals-you get only two even if you go search all the way to horizon and if you see two resources-you may end up getting four Thats why I dropped outposts till better times.

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To the "what are we collecting for?"

I agree that investing a lot of time for this isnt necessary and a bit overkill, thats just a fun (or should be :D) aspect of games like that for me.

Knowing i have all my needed ressources at hand when upgrading equipement or armor is enough for me to do it

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To the "what are we collecting for?"

I agree that investing a lot of time for this isnt necessary and a bit overkill, thats just a fun (or should be :D) aspect of games like that for me.

Knowing i have all my needed ressources at hand when upgrading equipement or armor is enough for me to do it.

Also, getting to 5 differents merchants to get the ressources you need ans having to rest 2x24h next to half of them cause they only sell 2 of of one item and 7 of another (when needing 6 and 20) is a maaaasive pita :D

Edited by filoumz
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