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Press a Key to: Initiate an Endless Wave/Cycle of Hostile Ships with Ever Increasing Difficulty


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I want Space Combat and I don't want to search the galaxy to get it.


We need a mod that does the following:


1) Press a Hotkey to start it while you are in space.

2) A popup message that states Incoming Hostile Ships.

3) 5 Seconds later, a Hostile Ship of your level appears and engages you from 5000m in front of you.

4) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 2 ships your level.

5) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 3 ships your level.

6) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 1 ship that is 1 level above your level.

7) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 2 ships that are 1 level above your level.

8) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 3 ships that are 1 level above your level.

9) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 1 ship that is 2 levels above your level.

10) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 2 ships that are 2 levels above your level.

11) Once destroyed, there is a 5 second grace period, then another wave spawns in, this time 3 ships that are 2 levels above your level.


etc etc etc... keeps going endlessly. Only way out is to Grave Drive away to stop the encounter, or have a hotkey that ends the spawning of the next wave.

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