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[Mod Request] Smoother face normals


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The real issue is the awful base geometry of the faces, that looks so very awful when lit from beneath. The bizarre sunken cheeks that so many have, that lead to all those 'meme' videos.


Faces will get better when the entire body system can be replaced and all the amateur hour work by Beth reversed. Though for face rigging, that might take much longer given the facial animation system.


In the meantime why not do your 'strange' request yourself. Search for the texture format info- the layer tools. Bring the normal layer into an image editor and apply filters and see how that looks. Or maybe replace every face normal texture with one from a face you consider 'smooth' enough.


Eventually there will be the usual "NPC beautifier" mods, but they are hardly going to settle on something as pointless as just changing the skin, but otherwise leaving the hair and face shape untouched.

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