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Multiple ship transfer stations


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Having multiple transfer stations will help to distribute goods from central hub. My thought is that you can build transfer station for each resource. From there you could have access to all resources in central hub. From there if could put some type of weighted preference youd be able to distribute evenly.


Currently when you connect to multiple resources it fills with the fills randomly/whatever comes first (not sure on logic). Bottom line is there is no way i know of to export all your resources in a systematic manner.

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Doesn't this just inherit from fallout 4, and therefore haven't the best solutions to make it work properly been created as mods for fallout 4? I don't mean you can directly use those mods in starfield, obviously, but you can define the best mods for starfield on the basis of what was learned previously with FO4. I mean point to an existing FO4 mod and suggest it be remade for starfield.

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The whole outpost system is, let's just say "in absolutely dire need of mods".


And the output links for moving stuff around is a big mistake. If you have lots of these links and cargo pads, moving lots of resources around, it will periodically lag the entire game.

We can only hope it will be somehow possible to remove this convolution entirely, and replace it with the linked-location based supply lines known from FO4.

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Or a central global resource hub. Maybe call it a global stash or something ....


ps I have scripts to connect Outpost production to existing Unlimited storage with a stateless global script. Its linking the outpost workbenches to the unlimited storage that is problematic until we get xEdit save that can create a new quest to run stateful event driven scripts like OnLocationChange() ... GetWorkshop()

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It would be nice if just putting a cargo pad, be it intersystem, or intrasystem, at an outpost would simply make those resources available to ANY other outpost that has a cargo link...... without the need for ships to pick and choose what they want to carry.....

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