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Legendary Items


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I have been reading tons of mod's comments when someone makes one for example "spawn all spacesuits" or "spawn all weapons". Both of these mods work great but players keep asking for a mod to spawn legendary items. I just want to let everyone know, yes their might be legendary or gold versions of items in the game but you can make any item IE weapons, helmets, spacesuits and backpacks legendary with your own custom items on it without even using a mod.


First off all the credit goes to the original poster Caladon who created a mod to make those same 4 items legendary with 3 stats that he preferred and also credit to VandarNoranno who added reference codes from the console for all the items to add to your gear. The post is under Legendary Modding Tutorial at Starfield Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)


I personally used the codes to night to change all my gear to legendary. You start by making everything quality 1, yes quality one. Even though you get a legendary drop it might only be quality 1 in stats up top. Then you level those items upto make the best stats uptop (your resistances phys engy em). Then you add one item of your choice from the 3 armor and weapon groups. Each one you add doesnt matter, the first one you add from any of the groups makes the item BLUE, the second item you add makes them PURPLE, and the third item you add makes it legendary. Armor qualities not additive but weapon qualities are additve so start the weapon quality at 1. Simple and yes it is really that simple. If you want to try and get all this in game you will be waiting literally forever. I am not trying to make anyone rush their gameplay. It is quite enjoyable for me and I only run 3 mods, none of them making me invincible. But the legendary armor, helmets, backpacks and weapons is awesome and fun, for me anyway. Once all that done you can add the max number of mods from the crafting stations in game to make incredible items. All done thru console commands, no achievements lost of turned off. The pics below were all quality 1 items now they are quality 5 and weapons 4




Just tried it, you can add three weapon group stats to the cutter making it legendary but you cannot add mods or change the quality to 4





Edited by Steal107
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There is a mod out that lets you change the 'legendary' attributes (effects) of items that are already rare/epic/legendary, however, it does NOT let you make an ordinary item into one of those three. I would love the ability to do so without resorting to console commands, but, I suspect we will have to wait for the CK to come out for that. (or maybe SFEdit??)

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The gameplay of Starfield is wretched- absolute rock bottom. And is also easy peasy. Yet a few days after release, people clamour for easy access to 'legendary' gear- in order to grief their own game. Now there is nothing wrong with people wanting to choose their own way to play their own version of a game (Nexus, of course, disagrees, banning for political reason certain mods that do precisely this). However, my point is that nothing more clearly proves what a failure Starfield is when this seems to be a sensible option for extracting 'fun' from the game.


In a good game, the challenge is everything. Every choice made by the game devs is worth experiencing. Within hours of playing Starfield, all hope is lost. Everything is bad. Everything is wrong. And everything is bugged and badly designed.


Some reviewers moaned about the easy of obtaining 'legendary' gear loot drops at the very beginning. And since when were open world Beth games LOOTER-SHOOTERS? Answer- never. Looter shooters, and the colour coded loot system, were designed by the worst people in the industry- expert psychologists skilled in the art of subliminal manipulation of the vulnerable.


Now since the collapse of loot boxes and pay-to-win mechanisms in the AAA PC gaming industry (with the exception of licensed sports games that sell to less intelligent gamers on average, with low impulse control, and who hence respond well to the paid 'casino' mechanisms those games almost always contain), looter shooters like the Borderlands series are morally harmless.


However, Beth open world games are a successful genre to themselves, and didn't need to cheaply jump on another gaming genre's core feature. It proves a total lack of imagination on Todd's part. And this with a SF/Space setting with a billion relevant things that Starfield could (but did not) have used for inspiration.


If I'm playing a looter shooter with colour coded gun loot, then there's all sorts of other game elements I require. Challenging combat. Excellent and varied enemy AI. Mini-bosses and full bosses. Multiple attack and defend animation and combat sequences for the bigger enemies. Skill, skill and more skill required to progress. Large amounts of gore and dismemberment.


And then there's Starfield- possible the worst AAA release ever from a major publisher, given its budget, dev period (at least 8 years), dev team size, and prior experience. If the game could not be modded, it would already have been forgotten and dismissed.


If you have never played a GOOD modern first person shooter, you maybe won't appreciate just how rotten the shooty is in Starfield. Starfield pretends weapon variety, but in truth all weapons are essentially the same mechanism. Point in an exactly straight line, press the mouse button, and then its just the DPS state vs the armour/life stat. Todd boasted that he took NO advice from the iD team on how to do the shooty, and boy does it show.


Remnant 2 was a recent brilliant shooter with brilliant procedural level/map generation and brilliant varied atmospheric locations.


Beth games in earlier times were never really proper shooters, but they had strong personality in their RPG availability of scenario specific weapons. The combat in those games worked better than it should (given the code implementation) precisely because they were NOT looter shooters or Doom shooters. They were cold-blooded deadly worlds where you felt the threat, and fought to survive or make a difference or to ramp up the chaos.


Then there's Starfield the murder simulator. You kill because killing is good apparently. People, animals, it's all the same. This is no abstract 'space invaders' like Remnant 2 or Doom where shooting is just the form of the sport. No, Starfield is a Clockwork Orange nightmare, and by intent.


Oh, I'm not saying we the gamers are dumb enough to fall for the agenda, and get off on the constant killing in a 'real' environment. No- we merely try to get some fun from the lame looter-shooter mechanism, hence this thread. Starfield was never going to have the agenda success of COD. But I am saying Todd ruined whatever Starfield could have been out of the gate by pursuing goals diametrically opposed to those we wanted and expected.

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The gameplay of Starfield is wretched- absolute rock bottom. And is also easy peasy. Yet a few days after release, people clamour for easy access to 'legendary' gear- in order to grief their own game. Now there is nothing wrong with people wanting to choose their own way to play their own version of a game (Nexus, of course, disagrees, banning for political reason certain mods that do precisely this). However, my point is that nothing more clearly proves what a failure Starfield is when this seems to be a sensible option for extracting 'fun' from the game.


In a good game, the challenge is everything. Every choice made by the game devs is worth experiencing. Within hours of playing Starfield, all hope is lost. Everything is bad. Everything is wrong. And everything is bugged and badly designed.


Some reviewers moaned about the easy of obtaining 'legendary' gear loot drops at the very beginning. And since when were open world Beth games LOOTER-SHOOTERS? Answer- never. Looter shooters, and the colour coded loot system, were designed by the worst people in the industry- expert psychologists skilled in the art of subliminal manipulation of the vulnerable.


Now since the collapse of loot boxes and pay-to-win mechanisms in the AAA PC gaming industry (with the exception of licensed sports games that sell to less intelligent gamers on average, with low impulse control, and who hence respond well to the paid 'casino' mechanisms those games almost always contain), looter shooters like the Borderlands series are morally harmless.


However, Beth open world games are a successful genre to themselves, and didn't need to cheaply jump on another gaming genre's core feature. It proves a total lack of imagination on Todd's part. And this with a SF/Space setting with a billion relevant things that Starfield could (but did not) have used for inspiration.


If I'm playing a looter shooter with colour coded gun loot, then there's all sorts of other game elements I require. Challenging combat. Excellent and varied enemy AI. Mini-bosses and full bosses. Multiple attack and defend animation and combat sequences for the bigger enemies. Skill, skill and more skill required to progress. Large amounts of gore and dismemberment.


And then there's Starfield- possible the worst AAA release ever from a major publisher, given its budget, dev period (at least 8 years), dev team size, and prior experience. If the game could not be modded, it would already have been forgotten and dismissed.


If you have never played a GOOD modern first person shooter, you maybe won't appreciate just how rotten the shooty is in Starfield. Starfield pretends weapon variety, but in truth all weapons are essentially the same mechanism. Point in an exactly straight line, press the mouse button, and then its just the DPS state vs the armour/life stat. Todd boasted that he took NO advice from the iD team on how to do the shooty, and boy does it show.


Remnant 2 was a recent brilliant shooter with brilliant procedural level/map generation and brilliant varied atmospheric locations.


Beth games in earlier times were never really proper shooters, but they had strong personality in their RPG availability of scenario specific weapons. The combat in those games worked better than it should (given the code implementation) precisely because they were NOT looter shooters or Doom shooters. They were cold-blooded deadly worlds where you felt the threat, and fought to survive or make a difference or to ramp up the chaos.


Then there's Starfield the murder simulator. You kill because killing is good apparently. People, animals, it's all the same. This is no abstract 'space invaders' like Remnant 2 or Doom where shooting is just the form of the sport. No, Starfield is a Clockwork Orange nightmare, and by intent.


Oh, I'm not saying we the gamers are dumb enough to fall for the agenda, and get off on the constant killing in a 'real' environment. No- we merely try to get some fun from the lame looter-shooter mechanism, hence this thread. Starfield was never going to have the agenda success of COD. But I am saying Todd ruined whatever Starfield could have been out of the gate by pursuing goals diametrically opposed to those we wanted and expected.

Your opinion. Others disagree. I'm one of them.


Try using an unmodded malestrom in late game.......

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