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Skyrim closes (new game)


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Skyrim closes, without any warning message/window/whatever, right after the loading screen (new game). there is juste some sounds to confirm it doesn't close before the loading screen is finished (horses walking). I have several mods downloaded and installed with nmm, but i started modding with morrowind and saw a lot of problems before (not new, so...). I always solved my problems on my own, but know i'm very tired of this... i just want to play skyrim till dark souls II comes out >.>'

Sometimes, skyrim doesn't closes before "betesheda present skyrim" (something like that). It didn't happen yesterday, and i downloaded just 4 mods since that moment (polymorphy, wrath of the nature, undeath, moonlight tales). But before (yesterday, and before) i never done a new game, i had a savegame juste after the "Who are you" before character creation, beacause i didn't want to watch everything everytime... today i said, i will start new characters. I dled these transformations mod and deleted my savegames from the folder mygames/skyrim... but, doesn't work

I can show you a list of mods i have, but i don't really know how to do this, and i don't think it'll be usefull anyway

I cleaned Update.esm, and the 3 dlc's esm. i've updated my "wrye bash patch" and even look at boss to delete errors (major errors). I don't know what else i can do now

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My diagnosis:

You're overloading with NPC Overhaul Mods.

Populated Skyrim, Immersive Patrols, about 10+ follower mods, etc.

That's over 200 new NPC's and events trying to load in at once.

I had this all once, and I was forced to get rid of 1 or more of my NPC Overhaul mods to re-stabilize the game. Unless you've got a "super computer" of sorts with a fantastic graphics card (etc.), you won't be able to run that many NPC Overhaul mods.

Let's not forget you're at a whopping 202 esp's/esm's total, from what you told me.


Others who look at this thread might even find what I've overlooked in the area of conflicting mods.

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oh ok... i try this then


EDIT no, still doesn't work, i don't know if it can be solved if i change settings in the launcher (it says my pc should run everything at High, but i have mid-high settings, even then... i should set them lower?..) or maybe if i can find somewhere a savegame of the game without mod, just in helgen, to try this... or dl an alternate start...

Edited by annfov
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Most often reason for instantly closing as soon as it starts is a missing master (esm) or missing Script extender. Far better than a simple list of mods is the BOSS log you get when you run BOSS. It will actually tell you if you are missing a master. As well as a lot of other possible problems. You didn't say if you were using SKSE - if not that is probably the reason.


Second most common reason is having multiple mods that change the same thing - such as a mod that has several variations - and you activated them all. - That leather backpack set may be one of those.


It sounds like it wasn't working so you added more mods - Not a good idea. If what you already have isn't working more mods can only make it worse not better.


Just because you think your computer should be able to run a game on super duper high settings, that doesn't mean it really will, Back off on the settings to test. You can always raise them back up when things actually work.


It does look like you may be using Wrye bash - in that case, the bashed patch should be at the very end of the load order.


For troubleshooting - disable all mods and test. If it still doesn't work, try verifying your game cache through steam. NEVER start adding mods if the base game doesn't work. When it does work, Add one or two mods at a time and test every time until you find what is causing your problem.


Don't get in a hurry and try to force it to work, troubleshooting is a process of elimination - you eliminate possible causes until it suddenly works - and it's always the last thing you try that works - Make a save before doing anything else when it does finally work.

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Sorry i didn't have internet for a moment, so i couldn't answer. It's solved, i take away "civil war", and set every ".ini" to default. I was even able to add a few mods (own tweaks, smartcast, equip overhaul, underwater treasure...). I never used a forum to ask help, so i wasn't sure about how i'll do it, but thanks to you guys it's solved and i was able to play again. Skyrim closes sometimes, but i think it's normal... this game is quite stable to be honnest, now. If i don't make my horse run as fast as he can when i enter in a city with a dragon and some wolves behind me, it's fine, so... yeah. Anyway, thank you.

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