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Starfield is missing a lot.


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Totally agree there's a lot missing.


Maybe I am getting too old but the game feels like the target audience was way below my age. Generic good guy government faction, generic bad guy pirate faction, generic trade faction, generic independent faction. I won't get into how odd yet bland I feel about the main story arc. I am sure many will enjoy it but it's not my cup of tea despite trying to get into it.


I'm someone that thinks the Fallout New Vegas setting, meaning its characters, storyline, setting, factions pretty much shows the gold standard in what I think a Creation Engine style game can be like. I felt Bethesda improved a bit with F4's story being a bit more complex even if it had issues and had high hopes we would get something akin to the Expanse but I was disappointed and feel like they regressed.

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I will just say this: Starfield is in absolutely dire need of mods.

Beth would be well advised in releasing the SF CK yesterday.


I agree, waiting until 2024 is too long, a lot of people will have lost interest by then.

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I will just say this: Starfield is in absolutely dire need of mods.

Beth would be well advised in releasing the SF CK yesterday.


After what they have done the last 10 years, they should be releasing that as part of every game they make - on release....

They more than anyone know just how much is missing from the game they have actually pimped to the public.

Edited by fraquar
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Starfield had interesting, ambitious and basically good concepts that they failed to pull off and removed at the last minute.


They did take the time to make what was left of the game work in a decent fashion. Gunplay and space combat feel good, however good or not, shallow or not they are. They're not bad, from a feeling point of view.


So, with decent play, and a lot of content, you can play 50-80 hours through 75% of the content and think, "This isn't bad." That makes it a decent game purchase.


However, the "This isn't bad," spends past capital. Because in that 50-80 hours you're thinking, "I haven't got to the stealth/outpost/melee combat yet, but I will eventually" and so while you're playing boring story quests you're content just on the basis of imagining there's so much more to come.


Then you realize.... stealth and melee suck, and outpost has no purpose.


Then you reflect that the quests you did play, taking your time up, were not very good.


So you got 70 hours of good play, but part of the fun was your expectation or imagination that more was coming. When you realize it wasn't going to come, you look back and realize that story content was all there was. It was enjoyable, but you think, "I don't have to do that again."


Not just in the replayability sense of Starfield, but literally any new BGS game. Like, I don't have to play these anymore. Starfield was interesting a bit, but it was also what I have done before, but less. So, I don't have to do this anymore.


No, I'm not getting older. These games could be better.


Hope they fix some stuff.


I get the idea of Ambition -> Reality -> Scale Back -> Perfect. Starfield would be dog doo-doo if they didn't nail the gunplay and space combat, even though both are a bit shallow in their own ways.


But the story is so tame, so derivative, so lost.


I'd say they are doing something wrong. It's hard to pin down. Is it pressure and political correctness? Is it old boomers in an echo chamber in the DC area?

Is it boomers in an old team that has fired its creative and manic and insane and brilliant members so only the borings are left?

Is it boomers who can't be bothered to work harder?


I don't know.


BGS needs to sort it out.


I am Turokman, the dwarf-orc guy.

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Starfield isnt bad game. It is wonderfully designed and offer a lot of different activities which all other Bethesda game are well known for. However after playing over 70 hours I still have this feeling that I play game which was made just for the purpose of selling. No heart, passion there. Just a bunch of features which are proven to be welcomed by target group.

You hit the nail on the head! Yes, it feels like this game was designed merely to sell, it is lacking that heartfelt passion you can see in their other games like fallout 3 and skyrim. I would not be surprised if they intentionally stripped many features out of the game just to sell later as DLC.

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Just imagine the mess that hits the fan when they do the same thing with ES:VI.....

There is no Patrick Stewart that can sell what they are making anymore.

Arguably the greatest opening arrangement and narration for a game in my lifetime - and that covers the entire PC age.

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