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Looking for a way to trigger ship repair through console/macro


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I thought something like this would work but it doesn't:

if player.GetSpaceShip.GetItemCount 3fb19 > 0 ; player.GetSpaceShip.EquipItem 3fb19 ; else ; print "No repair item found!" ; endif

I don't think there is a way to grab a ref to ship in one-liner fashion?

Even if I go past that I have no idea how to "use" Ship Parts when ref'ed as the ship, equipitem doesn't seem to work.

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I am trying to have one button use best available healing item while on foot and repair the ship when in space, I have the healing part fully done.

HealBest=if Player.GetItemCount 2A9DE8 > 0 ; Player.EquipItem 2A9DE8 ; else ; if Player.GetItemCount 29A847 > 0 ; Player.EquipItem 29A847 ; else ; if Player.GetItemCount ABF9 > 0 ; Player.EquipItem ABF9 ; else ; print "No healing item found!" ; endif ; endif ; endif
HealPlayer=if Player.GetAV Health < Player.GetBaseAV Health ; HealBest ; else ; print "Already fully healed!" ; endif

RepairBest=if Player.GetSpaceShip.GetItemCount 3fb19 > 0 ; Player.GetSpaceShip.EquipItem 3fb19 ; else ; print "No repair item found!" ; endif
RepairShip=if Player.GetSpaceShip.GetAV Health < Player.GetSpaceShip.GetBaseAV Health ; RepairBest ; else ; print "Already fully repaired!" ; endif

T=if Player.IsInSpaceship == 0 ; HealPlayer ; else ; RepairShip ; endif

There is a small flaw in Player.GetAV Health < Player.GetBaseAV Health as it doesn't account for buffs and modifiers but it will usually be close to full HP anyway so no point in healing.

Edited by jacklul
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