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Vault mod


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A long time ago (only about a year and a half) there was a mod that I found and what it did was there was a floating soulgem outside of Seyda Neen and you could pick it up. It appears in your inventory and when you drop it on the ground, a big white globe appears around you (it is a model from the game, but I cant remember where it is used. Some sort of revolving door). When you activate it you have the choice to pick it up or teleport to the vault (I cant remember the name of the vault). When you get inside it, there is a hallway (it is the stronghold build) that goes down and turns to the right. Then there are some doors. When you go thru the doors, you are in a huge circular chamber with a large rope bridge going to the other side. The chamber is made from Telvanni crystals. When you get to the other side, there is a ledge with a large circle on the wall. Around it I believe are either skulls or soul gems, but they are called 'Trapped Soul's. I done remember how you cativate them, but you can and there is some sort of moaning from the trapped souls and they open the door for you. When you go thru the door, there are a few creatures (Ancestor Ghost I know for sure, but cant remember the others). It is in the classic Velothi Dome setup, so there are two staircases going upstairs (the stairs are slightly curved) and upstairs there are a ton of chests. For just about anything (I think there were some for silverware and stuff like that even). And to get back, you left the dome, went back over the bridge and up to a teleport proplyn (sp?) and went back to exactly where you were.


That was the mod description. My main question is: does anyone know of this mod? I have tried searching for it, but have had no success.


My second question: If noone knows of this mod, does anyone know of a script that could give you an item and when you drop it on the ground, an object appears (door, bottle, scrib jerky, etc...) and takes you to somewhere and can drop you off exactly where you were?


If noone knows that kind of scripting then, what script would I want to be able to have (say a ring) in inventory and when you activiate it, it will take you somewhere. When you activate it though, it gives you a menu to go to where ever you want to go (the ring will be deactivated and returned to your inventroy) and return to exactly that spot (when you put the ring back on) or just to a certain location. When you teleport there or back, I would like it to remove the ring.


If no one can help me, then... I'll figure something out. If you can, then great. I await your answers.

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you can get the ring script from heavens lookout, when you equipt the ring, it marks your position and take you to heavens lookout. when you unequipt it you recall to your mark
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