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How To - disable footstep sounds for an individual (human) NPC?


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It seems stationary NPC's 'shuffle' - giving rise to footstep sounds.

The FST sound category is global, so not useful for an individual NPC (muting it mutes all footsteps).

Also many pieces of armor have their own footstep sound - so I can't just remove it from that NPC's skin.

And putting a condition on every FST sound descriptor in the game seems a conflict nightmare.

Is there a Keyword/perk etc that I could add to an NPC to keep them quiet? I can't find one.


The NPC is running only a HoldPosition package.



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I was looking for a way to suppress footstep sounds from an NPC regardless of what they were wearing (and preferably without F4SE). I don't even know why they should make those sounds when apparently holding still - but this is Bethesda...
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I did high heel animations for aaf/naf. Actor z root at height = heel height. These hkx don't have that problem. The actor does not shuffle his feet in frame 1 of the loop. Therefore, this is a problem with the skeleton interacting with collision when playing the loop in the first frame of hkx.
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South8028 and LarannKiar - thank you, I think you are both onto something - I had not considered it was an impact sound with the base (it is my Target Practice Armor Mannequins). As I have total control over that I will see if I can redo it's collision as different "material". As I just use nifscope is there a suggested material that would give a silent impact?
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South8028 and LarannKiar - thank you, I think you are both onto something - I had not considered it was an impact sound with the base (it is my Target Practice Armor Mannequins). As I have total control over that I will see if I can redo it's collision as different "material". As I just use nifscope is there a suggested material that would give a silent impact?

I don't know, but here is a list of all the materials.


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I tried the "no material" option on the collision and it made no difference. Perhaps there is a default used by the game in case of no material match for footsteps? It sounds like dirt...


Btw - I found my actual problem was the idle's I was using (from another mod).

Seems they end on a repeating left-right footstep sound (no movement though), so my only solution was to disable AI once the pose completed.

Which brings up another question I will ask...

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