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bug weapon ships in Starfield space


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Hello community!

I will try to explain the problem in brief

I have a bug with the AI ​​ships when I am in space not all the ships but in orbit when a fight starts everything will go correctly until the end of the fight but once the fight is over it will be AI vs AI or player vs AI I always have ships that continue to shoot into the void endlessly, they move normally but the weapons continue to fire non-stop which is quite annoying

I hope someone has a solution, thanks in advance

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Coming into Diemos station one afternoon, all was well. When I left though, everybody was shooting at everybody... and they were all UC ships... No pirates or spacers or Va'Ruun to be found.... They weren't shooting at ME though, so I just jumped away.... when I came back later, everyone was friends again. No clue what happened there.

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