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[REQ] Request: Export/Import Ship Blueprints + supporting features


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This is a huge oversight in base Starfield. There needs to be a way to export ship builds so they can be saved or shared independently of a player save game file.


This could be done in a balanced fashion where when importing a ship, the player is charged the credits price it would cost to build or something like that.


I'd like to see logical extensions of this concept as well: ability to import ships for NPC use (pirates, civilians, SYSDEF ships etc can use player made or imported ship builds).


It would be great if any time a player SOLD an actual ship, that ship design could then show up later being used by NPCs


We also need some more robust boarding action mods, where NPC ships attempt to board the player ship. I'd even be fine with some NPCs having "deus ex machina/godlike" ability to paralyse/incapacitate player ship in order to present gameplay opportunities to repel boarders.


There need to be more enemy crew on ships when boarding/being boarded.


We need aquarium and greenhouse ship hab sections.


Alien samples when brought aboard should be able to potentially spawn enemies at random on your ship.


Giant space aliens should try to eat your ship.


There should be a chance of local wildlife getting into your ship whenever you land and possibly reproducing on your ship so you have to clean them out when you find them later.

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