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[help/support] All mods automatically switching to inactive on game start


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The Problem is that when one mod does not load properly for whatever reason: NO MODS WILL LOAD.


Disable / uninstall all mods

Enable / Install 1 mod -> launch game and try to Load a Save

Quit Game -> Enable 1 more mod -> launch game and try to Load a Save

Repeat until you find the mod at fault.


Check for an updated version of the mod or just leave it out depending.

I was having this issue with every single mod though. didnt matter which one was loaded in first, or if it was by itself.

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  • 8 months later...

This may be entirely niche but my friend was experiencing this exact issue using the load order and mod setups i had sent him using the Mod Manager's "export mods as zip" option and it fits the description 1:1. The issue was solved after I found a file called Current.Json in the zip file of mods i sent him seemingly created by the mod manager itself, and it was hanging out in his mods folder causing said issue. See if you have a current.json file in your mod folder. if you do move it to desktop and report back on your findings if things change plz.

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