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Dual Cursor keeps on showing up, please help!


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I don't even tab out, but my Windows cursor keeps on showing up during gameplay. The game never tabs out, uninstalling all mods and starting a new game has no effect, and it happens all the time. I see it at the main menu. I tab out to get rid of it, and it shows up again 15 minutes to an hour later. There is no rhyme or reason as to when it appears, and I keep on dying since it sends the controls spinning. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Hey there!


I found that most people has this issue, but only when pressing alt+tab o windows buttton.

Some people said it's an issue that appears in the 1.6 patch or something like that.


Others said that it's a "dual monitor" issue (I thought about it, but can't prove it).

Check in PROPERTIES your monitor's settings. Check that you don't have 2 monitors or something.


Anyway I'll quote you a few possible solutions (in order of more possible to less possible):



Cursor Lock, by SnakeByte Studios does work.

Here's how to do it with a Steam game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...w84ONJQ#t=343s
If you run the SKSE here's how to get it to work:
SKSE is essentially a launcher, so you need to follow the instructions for launchers to get that to work. the open program should be skse_loader.exe and the lock program is TESV.exe.
SnakeByteStudioz in reply to cyborgste 2 months ago
*NOTE: do NOT use the 'Open Program Args' field, SKSE will fail to launch stating the the parameters are not valid.
The program appears to work great under Windows 8, and also appears to be portable.



I shift-tab to bring up the Steam stuff before alt-tabbing, that fixed it for me.

To go back into the game I click the game icon in the task-bar, hit alt-tab again, then click the mouse in the (still black) screen, then shift-tab the Steam stuff away.




i had this problem and found out for me it was a conflict with display fusion. Uninstalled that and no more second mouse cursor.


1. Remove "Display Fusion" if you have that installed.

2. Before you ALT+TAB out of the game, you need to be displaying a screen where the Skyrim mouse cursor is visible. That means pressing ESC to get to the menu or TAB to show the "cross" selection thing, both work fine because Skyrim's cursor is displayed. You can now ALT+TAB out of Skyrim, and when you go back in (many people need to double ALT+TAB to get back in) the windows cursor is not there. Voila!



Do you run Ratpr? I found that was what was causing the issue for me.



Just open the game menu in-game(ESC) and then Alt-tab

if you use alt tab while controlling the char the mouse appears, it works for me if i open the menu then alt tab



1.) Minimize all windows

2.) Click on the desktop one time.
3.) Click on the minimized Skyrim icon which brings up the background, windowed screen, you will see the windows cursor floating in front.
4. Drop the windows cursor down to the bottom of the window which will place it behind the present window.
5.) Alt-Tab main Skyrim window back in place and enjoy.



1. ALT-TAB (as usual)

2. Do whatever it is that you needed to do. And then, once your ready to go back to Skyrim...
3. Open Task Manager
4. In the Task Manager "Applications" tab, RIGHT CLICK Skyrim and select "Bring to Front" (note, do not select "Switch to"). This should immediately switch you back to Skyrim and in my case, I've never seen the desktop cursor again this way.



Press shift tab and open up the steam in game browser (I think that's the keybind, I changed mine). Then close it, that will remove the cursor.



Basically, its a feature of the "DesktopDevice capabilities" of Windows sytems. the window surface buffer(s) is (are) updating while the game is active even if not in focus, the Desktop surface, however cannot be considered "in front" or "behind" the game buffer surface when you use task-switching, since the Game Window is not technically 'minimise-able', so only the focus changes.
When changing tasks in this manner, make sure to have some other window open ALWAYS (handy if you have a dual/triple etc. monitor setup) - Personally I have TaskManager open. Do not allow all windows to close apart from the game window. This will only exascerbate the initial issue.
When returning to TESV:Skyrim, do not just use Cool-Switch, but note the state of the Taskbar tab for the game. It may be "hot/focus" (depressed), "normal" (normal) or "notify" (this is typically flashing or highlighted by default).
If the Taskbar tab for the game is in "notify" or "normal" state, make sure to Restore the game to the foreground (this is why I have Task Manager open )then click the Taskbar tab for the game to ensure it is on the "hot/focus" (depressed) state.
Your problem may return, however, if pop-up 'alert' windows (i.e. from a Firewall for instance) do not specify "TopMost" flags and may appear 'behind' the game window, despite having "stolen" focus. In this case, repeat the above steps once the pop-up has been dealt with to remove the cursor each time.




Go to Control Panel then go to Mouse Properties under Hardware, then on Mouse go to "Pointers" and remove the checkbox from "Allow Themes to Change Mouse Pointers" and apply


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I run dual monitors and Display Fusion. I don't see the dual mouse problem. I also use a Nvidia graphics card if that helps any.

I have seen this all the way back to Oblivion, it is actually rare. I saw it once in Oblivion after installing a mod - No idea now what that mod was. It was also before I started with Display Fusion. At that time I was using a free version of multi-mon, But I was able to fix it without removing my multi monitor program. I currently don't remember what I did, but I do remember the mod worked after whatever it was.


I would start with making sure you have the latest driver for your video card, and are fully patched in windows.

Then, do you have any Windows add ons or Browser add ons that affect the cursor? Try disabling them for testing.

Also try alt tab out of the game twice to see if it goes away.


I would suspect a background program is taking focus for a short time ( too short to cause a crash) and leaving the cursor behind. Are you running anything in the background that may run from time to time to access something?

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I use NVIDIA as well, but the problem is that I DON'T use alt+tab. I had to get a little mod that gets rid of the dual cursor when I alt+tab, so that's what's fixing the problem (kinda), not causing it.


I have a gaming laptop, so no dual monitors. I have all of the drivers and patches updated, and it doesn't matter even if I use no mod at all, I could reinstall Skyrim itself with no mods and it still does it.


And I run Windows 8.1, if that helps any. I always close everything and put the softwares in gaming mode so they don't bother me, so no background programs that I'm aware of. The only background processes Task Manager says are running are those neccessary to keep the laptop usable.

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