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Submarine and Calvert mansion from Point Lookout


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I'd think the Calvert Mansion would make a really cool player home (not what you think) and quest.


Let's say you're strolling around the desolate northern area of the Capital Wasteland. You find an abandoned mansion tucked away in the mountains somewhere, and decide to go in. This begins a quest where ghouls/zombies/horrors/whatever start busting in (in the same way that the tribals do in Point Lookout). Here's the difference: instead of being able to fend them all off, you are overwhelmed, and have no choice but to activate the failsafe. You turn the key and run like hell to the exit just in time to see the house blow up in front of you. Your reward? You end up finding the panic room buried in the rubble. It is designed exactly like Desmond's, but it has a bed and a workbench, and it's stocked with supplies.


Hey, I really just like how the house exploded right before you, and I wish there were some more destructible locations in the gameworld like that.

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