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Frozen NPC/ statue


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Could someone please explain to me if it's possible to freeze an NPC in a certain pose, or better yet make them non-interactable.


Was looking at adding either a statue or holo-image of certain NPCs, but simply can't figure out how to do it. Can get static items, or a generic body, but was ideally after specific people with their proper gear.


Are there any mods that I should look at (sure I've seen some people-in-stasis-tubes somewhere that may be close to what I'm after)


Thanks for any advice

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About the closest you can do is set unconscious.

Protectron01REF.SetUnconscious 1

The npc will just stand there with his eyes closed and if you try to interact you get a message that he is unconscious.

Protectron01REF.SetUnconscious 0 will set conscious.


You could actually make an npc a static model too but that would be a permanant state.

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Thanks for the reply!

As It would actually be a mini copy of an NPC a static model would work better, but I've read a post talking about exporting it to a modelling program, removing skeletons, collison geometry, etc. Went over my head a bit as I'm not that good with it all yet.


Actually just thought of looking at the holograms in Dead Money, seem to recall they can't be interacted with. Maybe an unconcious version of them would be easier, and work ok.

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