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How to get Fallout New Vegas FPS Higher 30+


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1. Did you install the both the NVSE and the NVSR plugins? (We can't see your machine, so we don't know what, if anything, you did.) Please see the 'Checklist Item #4' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for how to install and confirm NVSE is working. As NVSR is an NVSE addon plugin, you may need to manually install it.


* However, Are you running Win10? Did you get the "Fall Creator's Update" (FCU aka "RedStone 3")? Then please see the 'Issue: Recent (post-Win10 FCU) CTDs after 10-20 minutes of play' (and other "heap size") entries in the 'Solutions to Performance problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

2. The "sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini" will be located under the "Data\NVSE\Plugins" folder (along with it's DLL file).

3. If it isn't there, then you didn't install it correctly.

4. You're new to Nexus (post count), so you probably don't know the ropes yet. Please note the date of the previous post, and see the Nexus "Terms of Service" about not resurrecting old threads. The primary reason is that the original thread participants are seldom still around, and it is unlikely that you have exactly the same setup. Details matter.
5. If you need further help, create your own thread and Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. We can usually solve most problems. The biggest advantage with an older game is there are seldom any "new" issues.



Edited by dubiousintent
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At the very Top of the stutter remover INI is the Main Section. Use that to just turn it off, if your going to defeat it. (change the 1 to a 0) where it says "ManageFPS".




Master = {
_comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.
bManageFPS = 1 <<<<change that to a 0




IT does have a purpose, That is to smooth out the game, it does what it says,. Going past the refresh rate of your monitor not something I would tell others to do. Use it to cap your FPS to, nearly the same as the refresh rate of your Monitor. Have a 60 hz monitor?....then set it for 58!.


But if ya have some super computer that can hold 80 FPS and not drop, man that is some RIG. I get 5 -8 NPC"S fighting and i am seeing 30 FPS down from 75.


Let it do its job.


I prefer the drop from 58, to 25-30 FPS then to watch it go from 144 to 25. THAT you can notice. I run it at 30 FPS, and it might drop below 30, 5-6 times in 4 hours. To me that is smooth. Spin 360's while sprinting....get into a fight with 4+ NPC's and have no hitching, Run sideways no stutter. Without Stutter remover, I could not play this game.


Still have not Gimped my CPU by limiting it to 2 cores, the game does enjoy using all 4 of my cores, Steam says I have only played 74 hrs tho.


So anyone reading knows , you can just turn off the managedFPS in stutter remover .


Could you post your Mod list....Curious to see a 200+ Load order.


Good Job with the information, Your right having it in one place helps.

I have ASUS GeForse 710 i think its from nvidia... and my game stays on 8 fps. but its not coz of this method becasue i didnt used it. now i am going to use it

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