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What makes a Misc object too heavy to move?


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I have a misc object that every NPC kicks around when they run up to it.

I want to be able to pick it up and drop it like a normal inventory item, but for it to stay where it is dropped.


What makes a moveable object 'heavy'?



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I understand it is collision, but what actual attributes of the collision would make an object able to be picked up and dropped from inventory, but not kicked around?

There is are a number of attributes on the collision mesh (one called mass) as well as "weight" in the object attributes. I know I could set it to keyframed via script - but that seems messy.

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1) The weight of an object is called "Mass (kg)" in 3ds

2) There is "Object Type" as well, which additionally governs behavior of the object. I think the one you want will be "Static", so you can pick it up and move it in workshop, but otherwise it won't budge.


I have absolutely no idea what these are called in nifskope.

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I thought the static attribute on the collision meant it would make it not havok settle? I hit that issue when I tried to use a normal workshop object as an inventory object and found when I dropped it from the inventory it hovered in the air. New collision made it fall, but it is too 'light'. I am also unsure what the various attributes mean in nifscope, but assumed the original Bethesda collision was 'static'...
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IceStormNG tells me that Props collision type could be used, which is the one used for ground objects.

These can, however, be knocked over by NPCs. You can make them heavy by mass, but that then likely also means you can't Z-Key them - "This object is too heavy".

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Lee3310 - I mentioned that, but what value would stop it being kicked around but still light enough to carry? I could have just spent a lot of time experimenting, but asked here in the hope of gaining from the experience of others.


B3w4r3 - disabling its physics (keyframed?) is a simpler option, but I would rather use that as a last resort.

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