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Advices for a new gameplay


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I'm slowly starting to check mods for my FIRST gameplay with New Vegas and the problem is that I have to decide between adding new features in the game or just make it better.

I probably will play it just once (due to the lack of time) and I want a full vanilla experience with all the improvement of the nexus community.


I will surely change textures, hud and all that is "visual related", sounds and radio stations.



What about armor and weapons that are well placed in the game and not op?

Do you advice the use of project nevada ?

Are there "Immersive" mods like in Skyrim?

Do you advice me to use the vanilla companions(if they do have a good story, interactions and voice acting) or to add few modded one?

About new locations, do you advice any in particular? (i'm not a big fan of houses with hundred of functions or dungeons with op equips).



About a more technical point of view, are there mandatory mods:


(like Unofficial Skyrim Patches for Skyrim) to fix game bugs?

to improve game stability or computer usage?


Lastly, what are your mods that you feel are a must for your gameplay?


Thank you all


PS: by the way, I grew up with Fallout since the first one (my good pentium 1 133 ;_; ) but for some reason New Vegas never appealed me, hope to change my mind :).

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Well, I'd definitely advise getting Project Nevada, I use all four modules and I love them all.

Utility mods that are useful.

MCM - Lets you configure mods


Weapon mod menu - improves weapon mod equiping



New Locations

A world of pain - adds a ton of new locations to the game, and they are very well done.


NVInteriors Project - adds even more locations, these are less combat heavy than the AWOP dungeons (both are compatble. and very balanced.)



New Weapons:

Both of these mods add in lots of unique weapons around the wastes.




As far as companions are concerned, my favorites are Willow and Niner. Both have alot of story and fun stuff you can do with them.




Quest mods that (IMO) intergrate perfectly into the game:




My favorite house mod:


If you have fallout 3 and all the DLCs for both, I highly recomend checking out the Tale of Two Wastelands Alpha, its already very stable, it basically merges the two games together and lets you travel between both. More importantly, it's designed to be compatable with any New Vegas mod.


And now to toot my own horn, my two mods are pretty great,

Prone mode, lets you simulate going prone and holding your breath.


CAM- adds new drugs, alcohols, and other chem related stuff to the wasteland.




I've used hundreds of FNV mods, and I've loved alot of them, sadly the game can't handle them all. Anyways, hope you find something you like!

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Thank you for the reply. I'm currently checking all of them :)


I have my doubts about the New Vegas Uncut series, they do seem really interesting but I would like to minimize the crashes and quest/npc bugs (since I never played it I don't know if some quest is or is not working).

I also read good things about FOOK but it seems that everytime i check a mod, to make it work i ve to install lot of patches.

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This is what I installed and I think that's already a lot of content(maybe too much).I decided to tailor it around project nevada and NVEC that are the 2 major content mods:


Stutter Remover
NMC Medium
Wasteland Flora Overhaul + NMC patch
Better Burned Man
EVE + various patches
Weapon Retexture Project
fallout character overhaul + niner/willow
Ghoulsly Gross Ghoul skin replacer
Type 3 HiRez Replacer
Roberts Male and Type3 Sweaty Skin
Book of Water
Enhanced Blood
Improved Lod noise texture
Laurens Bathroom poetry
Mojave Nights - a moon and stars replacer
Wasteland clothing Hires retexture Main Models and Textures + Willow outfit
Electro city
Project reality (instead of fellout, still to decide wich )
Interior light overhaul
Project Nevada All + eve support + all dlc support + wmx support + extra options + WMX
WMX + EVE support + DLC support + weapon retexture support
NVEC + Patches (this one adds a LOT of mods and most of them where something i already decided to add)
More perks + nvec patch
Advanced Recon Trap (only item, not perk)
Advanced Recon Range installer
Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision
Flashlight nvse
Weapon animation replacer fomod version
Prone mode
A world of pain + dlc e patches
Afterschool special
Weapon mod menu
unified hod
I will soon start to check it with FNVEdit, so for any advice it is the last call :smile:.
Again, thanks at those who will reply
Edited by marmo1233
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Hi! Good selection of mods there, and not too much yet in my opinion :D!


I would really recommend "Spice of life" by Nivea. Adds lots of very well done and lore friendly looking variety to the armor and clothes on NPCs/loot. A must have for me!


(Type3 and Robert compatible.) Especially if you´ve played Fallout 3 this mod is a saviour, because vanilla New Vegas has a lot of the same old gear you`ve seen in FO 3.


And, if you like to make money gambling, the casinos in Vanilla have a system that you get banned for ever from a casino after youve made a certain amount of money there. This handy little mod makes the ban temporary plus you can set the time it takes for ban to be lifted:



I`d also recommend checking out the T6M female body, its actually compatible with Type 3 body textures and you can also wear all clothes made for type 3, but the body mesh, in my opinion, fixes some "realism" problems I felt original type 3 has: like shoulders and arms are more natural and armpits no longer have such a "gap" away from the side of the body..

Theres a lot of armor made especially for T6M too, and replacers for vanilla gear.

The files for the body meshes are with this download I think. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45505/?

(Author Izumiko is not english speaking and sometimes uses a translator I think, so at times just have to doublecheck to make out the T6M stuff descriptions :wink: )


And have fun in New vegas :smile: !

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I already played 5 hours, I disabled Dinavision 3 since I prefer a good ENB and after trying several of them for now the best pick is E ENB ultra version.

I tried Fellout and Project reality but I ended up using Nevada Skies and I'm satisfied with it.

Nivea work is alway beautiful and that mod is just great...now I need to decide if i care more about those 5 hour of gameplay or the items added eheh

About the body, I want to check this too:


but i will choose the one that gives less neckseams :)


And about FNV4GB I'm trying not to use it since it doesn't work too well with steam achievements and steam screenshots and for now I never crashed or had problem without it.

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