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Companion Suggestions


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I've just started to play Oblivion a little while ago, and there's one thing I miss, as I'm a DnD player - parties. I've taken a look at the different companion mods (Share and recruit and CM partners) and have seen a load of partners loaded here onto the nexus. so, I'm asking, which ones in the community's opinion is the best?
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Well I think sexy companion is mine,but then I am a bit biased also.

It all comes down to personal tastes,try one or two if you don't like them move on till you find one you do like.You'll get varing opinions about any mod from everybody here. Have fun, enjoy the game.

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Personally I prefer companions who come with quests and back stories.


The best in my experience are Ruined Tail's tale, Viconia and Stoker Wolff. I'd also recommend tears of the fiend as much of that mod revolves around companions.

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My preferences are for Viconia, Stoker, and Baddy. All three have backstories and quests, the first two in particular. In fact, Sultericdrums is working up a massive second part quest series right now for Viconia and Stoker that involves accessing another mod, the Underworld. Looks fantastic--but if you don't want to go that far, you can still run their respective "part ones" and get involved with the worlds of both.
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Im using the companion and recruit one, i find it a bit uncomfortable when i recruit some npc and i dont know if it has a quest or not and when they die, it fells like something is missing in the game.... I have a question, can we use both of them at the same time? i would like to try the CM one, they add addition npcs for recruiting only right?
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- Baddy if you're starting out a new char

- Valeria if you want a solid companion (you can change the class)

- Viconia/other sulteric drums ones are solid

- Neeshka


all of the above are low maintenance. Not sure about others. Below are higher maintenance:


- CM Partners: you have to repair their stuff. Unreliable in whether they follow you through doors or not

- CSR: you have to repair their stuff, double face bug still happens (or was it fixed?)


eh, too sleepy

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Viconia's my personal favorite, so far: confident to the point of arrogance, beautiful, witty - Sulteric & Co. have really captured her essence. The OBSE integration in recent versions made her even better.


Ruined-Tail is another excellent choice, in my opinion.


Both CSR and CM Partners have strengths and weaknesses. I see the first as more appropriate when you're dealing with stable allies and retainers in-game, such as Oreyn or Eyja - so that they fit better with you and the world, and vice versa: I always make it a point to give poor Modreyn better gear while we're investigating Azani or the Blackwood bunch.


CM gives you finer tuning in a few areas, and it's slightly more capable in terms of social options. Moreover, there are several high-quality companions for this platform, though they obviously lack quest components.


In both cases, if you're looking into scenic play/staging scenes, a pose mod or two will probably come in handy for additional immersion.

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