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About Ivier

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  1. I'm Eshen's younger brother. it looks like the Oblivion.ini was the problem. He copy and pasted it from the oblivion config thing in the oblivion folder, and now it works fine. I tested it out out for him because his alarm told him he had to be somewhere, But i'm sure he'll greatly appreciate it when he gets back, as I do already
  2. I've just started to play Oblivion a little while ago, and there's one thing I miss, as I'm a DnD player - parties. I've taken a look at the different companion mods (Share and recruit and CM partners) and have seen a load of partners loaded here onto the nexus. so, I'm asking, which ones in the community's opinion is the best?
  3. I myself have a level 1 solution to that one. There's a little ledge where the guard rail up above has collapsed, and up against the wall there's a few ledges that you can make use of to stand on. she'll continually run against the base of it, unable to reach it as you rain fire down on her, and every once in a while she'll run around to the ledge where you are, on top. don't worry, the ledge will protect you. I did this with that piddly little flare spell the first time I tried a warrior, and it took quite a few save games to figure out where she couldn't reach me, but it worked and I had the best sword anywhere EDIT: ya know, I suppose that would be my longest fight, but it wasn't a fight so much as a... well, target practice
  4. *Blink Blink* that was impressive, thank you. as I said I haven't been playing very long so this is certainly a good Idea. I'll be sure to get a weakness spell for fire, and make a better one for myself
  5. I just got Oblivion and was looking at the door to the shivering isles and found the patched shirt. This looks like a real nice piece of clothing to me, but there's an issue - I hate the shoulder pads. so what I'm asking for is for this shirt to be less poofy and actually look like it has normal shoulders http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b283/pyranack/PatchyShirt.jpg
  6. My current character, from whom I stole my forum name is a mage that's been having a lot of cheap kills recently. I was trying my hand at the mages guild for the first time, and as soon as I got in to the university I downloaded the mod to allow me to enchant spell resistance into my clothes, easily giving my already resistant breton 100%. This means I'm entirely unaffected by magic, of any kind. However, it does not mean my magic is effective against others Dunmer have fire Resistance. I'm a pyro, so my spells are almost all fire area spells. imagine my horror when a group of dunmer bandits descends upon my unknowing little man. I was churning out 50 ft. 40 damage spells into them and only coming out with 10 damage each time, whcih meant they took a long time to kill. when my magicka ran out, I started punching them. my shield spells were in place, so nothing really hurt me enough that I couldn't heal it quickly, but I soon found out the punching was more effective. also more annoying. finally, about 25 minutes later, I'm looking at 3 dunmer corpses and thinking to myself I need to get some frost spells.
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