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Skyre compatability patches for immersive armpits and insanity's l


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*typo, meant Skyre compatability patches


Are there any patches for these 2 mods? And/or immersive weapons and jaysus swords.


If not itd be pretty helpful for someone to make some compatability patches for the them, preferebly the 2 mentioned in the top. I have experience in modding but not this field, so I can't do it.


big thanks and I'm sure I won't be the only one to appreciate this!

Edited by MagnusMac
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Fixed the Skyre. What's immersive armpits? :psyduck:


Did you mean immersive armors? - if so, which one? or which ones? :rolleyes:


And insanity's ????

There are 2 pages of insanitys mods :whistling:

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