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MGSO Causes Instant CTD...?


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I recently installed the latest version of the Morrowind Graphics & Sound Overhaul on my computer after purchasing the Elder Scrolls Anthology. I followed all steps, disabled UAC, etc., and now every time I boot the game, it CTDs after the Bethesda logo video. I tried de-selecting all installed mods, and it doesn't make any difference.


I know how to get the kind of graphical experience I want out of the game without MGSO, but it's a real time-saver since I don't have to hunt down a bunch of mods, catalogue them properly, install them, move the archive files...(I have OCD, there's a specific system I use to mod my games and it takes a LOT of time...)


Can anyone tell me why it's happening? The ONLY mods I'm trying to run are the ones installed by MGSO. Is it maybe one of the third-party alterations?


(As I was writing this, I happened to remember I have a Morrowind.Original.exe from the Code Patch's overwriting...I'm going to try going back to that particular EXE and seeing what happens, I'll update here.)

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I know you said that you have UAC off....but...is steam itself in the dreaded 'Program Files' directories? If yes...try moving at least MW out of there...I have seen posts about that somewhere....


Edit: If you do not want to move...try setting everything MW related to run as admin (launcher, morrowind.exe itself, etc).

Edited by Spirithawke
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hmm..thought of one posibility...Did you happen to install MGE XE? If you did, you need to check and see if you video card uses/supports shader model three....I note you said you were using Win XP....so that possibility just occurred to me. If using MGE XE, all errors while running Morrowind are logged to mgeXE.log in the Morrowind directory. Check there first if it crashes or white screens, it may explain why.

Edit: Another thought: you said something about steam...is the steam overlay disabled?

Edited by Spirithawke
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