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Outpost Shipping protection


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So imagine that you can build new type of landing pads where cargo ships will come to collect your resources to sell for you. However, your cargo could be attacked at some point during its journey, so you either have to fly with the ship for some of its journey and be its protection, maybe occasionally fight pirates (a small random, repeatable mission for a big payout), or pay for a security ship.


At first my idea was just for a random ship to come to your base and can set up a trade to make credits automatically rather than having to sell it yourself. But then I thought it would be cool if a risk/reward factor was added. That being the ship taking your cargo could be attacked and u have to protect yourself (small mission), or hire protection.


-New landing pad - set up to sell a resource for credits (2 types of landing pads for different payouts?)


-ship captain says reports of pirates - pay for external protection or accompany ship


When i say accompany ship i mean either on their ship (could be docked by pirates) or in your own ship so that you could have cool ship battles while protecting another ship, but saying this out load doesn't sound like something a mod could do.

Edited by Crkrcam
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