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Body Mods


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Everytime i browse Nexus for FNV... some of the armors and clothing requires certain type of body mods.

- Type 3
- Dimonized Type 3
- BnB

and so on. i was thinkin of why not just make a body mod that has all of it? or least type3 With BnB together?
im tired of getting diff body mods , deactivating and activating them just to use those armor that requires certain body mods specifically.
And then theres some with titles that complicates me... " Type 3 Armor Bouncing Breast " So what use both mods together?
ive tried that and my game crashes most of the time after awhile. Please someone just make a body mod that has bouncing breast and whatever type is it. thanks.

Edited by Azwraith27
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