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Giant yellow things of doom.


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Alright, completely new to the whole mods thing, so be patient. xD

I've got GotY, all the DLCs, downloaded the following;

Black Luster, Tyrael, Lost Paladins, Dwemer Skyship, Bravil Sea Domes, and Castle Almgard.


For the most part they work just fine, except that like, 10% of everything (mod-wise) is missing, I know that things are missing, because where stuff should be, are giant yellow boxes with exclamations in them. xD


Can't do much of anything with Almgard, cuz what would be the door is a big yellow square that seems to want to yell at me or something, same thing with skyship, can't go in the cave cuz the door is a yellow box, etc.

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I can say, in all confidence, that I have no idea what you're talking about. lol


To sum up.. something went wrong when you installed. Install it again and be sure to let it overwrite the Meshes folder and Textures folder under Oblivion/Data.

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This is probably the most common problem in mods. It is caused when the game cannot find the mesh called for by a mod. It uses the yellow block with an exclamation point as a placeholder to keep from crashing.


All except the simplest mods have new textures and usually Meshes. If you look at the zipped files (expand them to see what is there before installing) you will usually see several types of files. The filename.esp is the actual mod, it goes into the Oblivion\Data folder.


A filname.txt or Readme.txt file - this is the read me file that you should read to see if there are any special instructions for this file, such as it may need another mod to work or need OBSE, or need the Shivering Isles expansion, or Need the latest patch.


Textures folder. this contains the texture files (.dds) for the mod. this should be copied to the Oblivion\data\textures folder

Meshes folder. This contains the meshes for the mod, it should be copied to the Oblivion\data\meshes folder

Sounds folder. This contains any new sounds needed by the mod. it should be copied into the Oblivion\data\sounds folder


.bsa files these are compressed files that may contain all of the different files. Any .bsa file should be copied without change into the Oblivion\data folder


There may be other files or folders included, but those are the most common.


If you look in the Oblivion/data folder and see a bunch of .dds files, .nif files, .mp3 files they are in the wrong place. You need to MOVE them to the proper folders.

.dds to the textures folder

.nif to the meshes folder

.mp3 to the sounds folder

.wav to the sounds folder


In a mod with meshes and textures, they are usually in their own folder - look in the zipped file, extract the meshes folder to the Oblivion\data\meshes folder and the textures folder to the Oblivion\data\textures folder. Do the same with any other folder in the zipped file. Usually only the esp file and if present .bsa files go into the \Data folder


One of the most common things I have seen is a folder inside of the data folder with the name of the mod. It may have the texture and mesh files you need. Example Oblivion\Data\mod_xyz.

Then inside the \mod_xyz You may find \Mod_xyz\textures and mod_xyz\meshes folder


These folders Meshes and textures inside of the \data\mod_xyz folder need to be moved into the \data\textures and \data\meshes folders.

The easiest way to do this is to right click and hold the folder you want to move, then drag it into the \data folder.

You will probably get a message that you will overwrite files. Actually it will not overwrite, but append to the original folder.


Refscope is a good resource for finding what mod those yellow missing mesh blocks came from. It adds a spell that when cast on the missing mesh identifies it and what mod put it in the game. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 year later...

Over the last few days I've been slowly learning these things about modding, but for some reason I still can't get certain mods to work. I just started learning to use mods, so if I'm doing anything blatantly wrong, it's because I still have no idea what I'm doing...


For the Castle Almgard mod, all of the new meshes are missing, and I get all of those yellow-boxed exclamation point in their place. This is what I've been doing...

1) Download zip file to desktop

2) extract zip file to desktop

3) copy all folders, except for the alternative version files, to the oblivion data file (which, on my computer, is D:games/Oblivion/Data)

4) merge appropriate files such as textures and meshes


and I assumed that I have to use obmm to activate it, because shockingly the .esp file didn't appear on the "data files" list of mods when I opened oblivion. This is when things start to confuse me. I begin to create a new mod, but I can only figure out how to include the .esp file. I can't figure out how to also include the meshes and textures, which is why I assume they aren't showing up in the game.


Any other things to consider is that I'm using windows 7, and I'm pretty sure I've been doing everything as an administrator. Any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated! I've been working on this mod for DAYS and it's a horrible shame that even with everything I've learned, I still can't get this one mod to work :(

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Wow, old topic is old.


Also, OBMM is really good for organizing your mods, enabling/disabling at ease, archive invalidation & maintaining load orders.


HOWEVER, in many cases ticking the ESP through OBMM isn't an official way of doing it. Always make sure to open Oblivion Launcher and select the Data Files choice to tick any ESP's you want. Sometimes ticking it through OBMM is fine, but it still won't be ticked in Oblivion Launcher; depending on how the omod conversion installs your mod.


When something goes wrong with an OMOD, I usually install it through OBMM and manually add the necessary files by hand to the correct folder locations. When in doubt, examine the mods files and use common knowledge of where they should be placed.


It's pretty odd the ESP didn't show up in Oblivion Launcher. Are you sure it wasn't hiding inbetween other mods?


At any rate, it seems as if the ESP is enabled, otherwise you wouldn't get those specific textures & meshes to be identified as missing. I'd say it's all about manually adding the folders or try to install the mod again.


Never forget to Archive Invalidate.


Also, are you sure you didn't copy a 'Data' folder into 'Data'? It's a common thing to do sometimes.

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wow... I couldn't figure it out because the data folder I needed to copy everything into was NOT the data folder within the oblivion folder. It was the one OUTSIDE the oblivion folder... weird. Well thanks a lot! The mod is FINALLY working, and looks great! All the meshes are working now.
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