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Ummm...whaaaaaaat...? (possible body error)


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So uh...wtf's going on here...? Only happens with certain items from the SpeedBuster collection. I'm using the Female EyeCandy Body mod found here:






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Quite a common one from the looks of it.

The breast pieces of the outfit mesh are rigged to some 'bouncing breast' bones in the skeleton, and you're not using a BBB skeleton in your game. The vertices can't find the bones they're rigged to and shoot off into infinity, stretching the polygones along with them. Did you miss a requirement somewhere perhaps?

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Yes, Drake, Alduin installed the SpeedBuster Collection without reading the requirements, and he has not the compatible skeleton.


Alduin, in the description page for the SpeedBuster Collection, there are listed the requirements for the suits to work. You simply need the appropriate skeleton for the BBB effect, and it will fix the issue.


Non-BBB rigged suits will look the same, and BB-rigged suits will look right.



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