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Help Needed


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Okay, Im currently working on my Oceanic Plasma Armor and I really want to have this Reflect/Chrome effect on my armor. It looks so cool when weapons/armor reflects light and shines like real metal! The problem is that Im not that very good at 3Ds Max, so I might need some help with these effects. If anyone has the time or knowledge to help me, please let me know, I would be greatfull :)



Ps: And yes you will get credits for what you have helped me with :tongue:

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Unfortunately, what you want would be easy to do for still images in 3dsmax, but Morrowind's engine doesn't support it. At least I haven't seen any explanation for how to get it working in-game.
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ooh yeah, it supports it, I can asure that! I have seen many weapon mods with this effect, and it looks awesome!



Well, If you have broadband I suggest that you download the mod "Balmora Expansion" and goes to the shop named "Enchanted Weapons". All the weapons in that shop has like chrome effects and ligh reflect, it look so cool!

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Well, to use the tools you linked me to, I need to have Freddom force vs third reich installed, and I dont have that game and do not plan to buy it :(
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