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crazy random radiation poisoning occuring.


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okay, so I am not sure of the cause, but it first happened when I was near north vegas both inside, out and now in freeside. I will be walking and suddenly BOOM I am getting like 13 rads a second. at first I thought it was a mod I added like nv interiors, but when i popped radaway and rad-x and put on radiation helmet it did not slow radiation down I was soon poisoned. I reloaded, went to same area, and was okay.


it has happened three times now in three different places.



I have alot of mods I wondred if it was NV interiors or freeside open or the lawless. I just visited the mountain crater place but I wore radiation gear and popped rad-x and stuff ...


this is really odd!



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it is the project reality. but I am not getting the sirens every time, and also it is happening far away from towns where there could be sirens or an indoor area, which sucks. but at least I figured out it is not a bug in and of itself, however the massive radiation dosing is buggy....it affects my pipboy and slows it down sometimes. not always.

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