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StarfieldCustom.ini Gets deleted after launching


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As the title suggest but more info


My Custom.ini gets deleted after every launch. Game will launch and work fine through vortex if I add my Custom.ini file in (ive kept a backup). Im playing using steam if that helps. If i disable all mods through vortex and just keep SFSE and launch manually its all fine but no mods. If i enable the mods through vortex and try to launch I get a "application error" pop up with code (0xc0000142). I have to then delete the custom.ini.backup that vortex creates in the game folder, then paste my save custom.ini, disable all mods, re-enable them, and then i can launch starfield through the script extender with mods enabled.


This is very tiresome because if i delete a mod or add a new one through vortex i have to repeat the process above for every mod i install/uninstall.


The troubleshooting steps ive done so far:


-enable mods one by one to see if any of them cause this issue, as far as i can tell if i enable just one its fine and then i can enable a whole batch of them at a time and it will still work. so i dont think its any specific mod.


-run SFSE as admin


-verified im using the right versions of SFSE and updated my mods as well


Not new to modding but this is a first for me. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. TIA!

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